This subject has been debated and discussed time after time. It appears that many have walked away from the discussion with some sense of uncertainty on what to do. I will attempt to bring clarity to this subject.
After Christ’s resurrection he gave his disciples specific instructions in Matthew 28:19-20 that they are to “Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you”. From this passage it is clear that we are to go about the business of evangelism (share our faith with others).
However, Christ also stated in Matthew 22:21 that we are to “…render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Even though this text is normally used to convey the message of our responsibility to civil government, I also believe that it can be applied in the case of employment also.
Therefore, when we are at work, that time belongs to “Caesar” otherwise known as your employer. When you accepted your job from your employer, you were hired under the premise that the time spent on the job was to be spent doing company business. We as Christians are to be good stewards of that which was entrusted to us. Thus, we are to do our job, with faithfulness, as unto the Lord.
Also, I am convinced that we are to show the character of Christ on our job by being honorable and committed to our employer, devoting our time on the job to the work we were hired to do. This, I believe would cause others to look upon us in such a light, that when the opportunity arise, outside of working hours or away from the office, possibly at a company event or some other occasion, for the gospel to be shared with a co-worker, they (the unconverted) would see the consistency in your witness. They wont look upon us as hypocrites.
Thought for Consideration:
Can it be said of you that you devote your time on the job doing that which you were hired to do, going the extra mile? Or will it be said that you practice that same things as those that are considered unconverted - Are you any different from your unconverted colleagues?
Let it be said of us that the former is true - We honor Christ in our commitment to our employer by spending our time on the job doing that which we were hired to do (cf. 1 Peter 2:18).
In conclusion, our evangelism is not just in the words we say or preach, but also in the way we live and what we do. Let’s put Christ on display at work today.
Can a Christian evangelize on the job? My conclusion is yes. A Christian can evangelize on their job by demonstrating Christ like character … and be ready to give a answer to everyone that asks for a reason for the hope that is in you (cf.1 Pet. 3:15).
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Bobby E. Miller is a Public Speaker, Author, Business Growth Consultant and Entrepreneur with more than 21 years of experience as a senior executive in Sales and Marketing. He is also the author of the blog: Christian Business Ethics (also referred to as CBE). CBE is a blog based on Business Ethics…from a biblical perspective. Christian Business Ethics