We all come to Earth with the purpose of experiencing and creating, and the biggest way to fulfill our purpose is by sharing our gifts through serving each other. When you have this awareness, you can align your thoughts, words, actions and beliefs with your purpose and gifts to create fulfillment in your life. Serving others is the desire of your soul and what brings true, lasting joy and fulfillment.
Imagine if you were the only being on Earth. It would be more difficult to experience and create. It would also not be very fulfilling or joyful if there was no one to share our gifts with. What’s the point in having gifts if we can’t use them? We use our gifts by sharing them. We share our gifts through serving others. We find fulfillment through sharing.
It is common in our society to distract ourselves from our authentic self and sharing our gifts. What we often do is disconnect from our purpose and our gifts and we hide behind things (such as addictions, titles, being what we think others want us to be). When we transform the thoughts/beliefs that make us want to hide and step into our true inner power to shine our light, we can experience who we are. It’s OK to be you! You are a wonderful, magnificent creation and the only things that make you feel that you are not are the thoughts/beliefs you’ve bought into that deny this fact. Our society has this theory that you need to behave a certain way, have certain things and look a certain way in order to be accepted. In our effort to meet this criteria, we become who we don’t want to be, we deny our power, we deny our gifts, we don’t live with joy, and we just survive – all for the need to be accepted. We strive to be accepted and please everyone but in the process, we lose ourselves. We lose sight of the purpose and gifts we brought here to share and our light dims. When we feel comfortable with who we are, regardless of what others think, and we share our gifts, we let our light shine and it feels GOOD! Be who YOU want to be, not who you think you should be. This is important to living with joy and fulfillment.
We can focus on how we may not have enough for ourselves and live in fear and greed. Or we can look at how we can support each other and lift each other up. We have many challenges on our planet right now and working together as a team we can accomplish so much more than we can separately. It starts with us as individuals choosing to “wake up” and use our gifts to serve others, reminding others it’s ok to shine their light. There are people out there in need of and waiting for your gifts and your message. Embrace your inner power and shine your light!
Kimberly Coots
Life Empowerment
Kimberly Coots is a certified Habit of Attraction Life Coach, board certified Holistic Health Practitioner, board certified Holistic Alternative Psychology Practitioner, Ordained Peace Minister with the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking, Spiritual Healer Practitioner with the Universal Church of the Master, Reiki Master/Teacher, Massage Therapist and Reconnection Healer (Level I & II). Kimberly is an author (Embracing Inner Power), a professional member of the American Massage Therapy Association and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She is also certified in Chakra Therapy, Life Therapy, Astrology, Meditation & Urevia.