The other evening I had some folks over to talk about love. Yes, love. And guess what? They loved it. It fed them to share stories about how love operates in their lives, to connect with the love in their own hearts, and to be in the company of other who wanted to do the same thing.

In a way, I suppose I stuck my neck out. Some might find this subject a stretch (okay, that was bad). But, here's the thing: I invited people I knew would be open to this and would love the idea.

This is an important life skill.If you're going to stick your neck out, do what you can to create the emotional support and love you need, at least in the beginning, to soften the risk.

In our culture, there is this cowboy mentality that goes something like this: “I can do this. I don’t need anyone else to help me. I certainly don’t need emotional support. That’s for sissies!”

Ever hear that, or some form of that, even if it’s only in your head? This is an equal opportunity set-up, not only something guys encounter. In this day and age, there’s plenty of pressure on men and women to get out there and take a risk. And if you’re scared? Well, don’t tell anyone. For goodness sake, we can’t have any of that!

Going without support is so unnecessary
That set-up is both crazy and unnecessary when loving friends and family who will cheer you on no matter what, people who are in sync with your heart and want to share in your experiences and experiments, are right there.

There always will be those who discount or belittle our efforts. It's essential to make sure those voices are balanced, or even bettered, by those voices that support our efforts. This is self-love. By doing this, we give ourselves an even greater shot at success because we’ve covered our emotional bases. We’re not alone. Once we get our feet under us, and feel a little more confident in our new endeavor, we can broaden and expand our reach.

How do we create emotional support?
Ask for it. Tell a close friend or family member – someone you trust – your idea and ask for his or her support in a specific way. This takes a little courage, and the willingness to show your vulnerable side, but it is so worth it. People who love us want to help. It brings us closer. And if the first person you ask can’t help, just ask someone else. Keep asking. Love yourself enough to get the support you need.

Author's Bio: 

Andrea Beaulieu is a professional speaker, workshop leader, author and coach. Her programs on the authentic voice, authentic power and authentic living are acclaimed as excellent tools for finding new and more creative solutions and opportunities in business and life. Your Authentic Voice™ is a trademark and division of Andrea Beaulieu Creates, LLC. For more information, log on to