
It is worthwhile to recall what Lord Shri Krishna remarked in Bhagavad-Gita ‘Uddharedatma Nathamanaha!’ This remark of Lord Krishna is quite meaningful thought is very simple, What a nice sayings, really it is an inspirational thought to remember! We are held responsible for what we are because we do most of the things knowingly or unknowingly wrongs. But wrong things or mistakes are to overcome and learn to solve. When we know problems we also find to know the ways to solve it. When we are in troubles, we keep blaming others even God also, one thing we should remember is, instead of saying to god ‘why you have given me this kind of problems’ we have to say ‘thank god you have given me an opportunity to find the alternative way. We should receive problems as challenges and try to overcome them as Lord Krishna says ‘YOU ARE ARCHITECT OFYOUR OWN DESTINY’ i.e., Uddharedatma Nathamanaha. We attend so many lectures, personality development programs, reading so many books but still result will not expected as desired……… why? We will be motivated by others only 80% and 20% from ourselves. So here the word comes motivation that too SELF MOTIVATION.
My paper figures out why self motivation required for common man, how can he plans and find direction in his life and how a man can be enthusiastic about life and living.

SELF MOTIVATION: Whatever work done it should be done with complete interest and wholehearted. For this motivation is required. Motivation is one which gives the inspiration to achieve our goals. And Self Motivation is that one should motive himself or herself for every work.

Everything you have ever wanted to have, experience, or become, the power has and always will be within you, but nothing will happen until you get and stay motivated to make something happen, to change your life and achieve your desires.
This is central to everything positive that you want to do in your life. Perhaps it is even more important than your self esteem ! What you say to yourself is extremely important and if you want to learn more about self talk and how to help yourself by talking to yourself more positively. If you want to improve your motivation or self esteem or improve yourself in any way you need the desire and will to do it. Find a true interest in what you are doing. If you have no interest at all, it might mean you need to do something else. On the other hand, if it's just a task you dislike, relate it clearly in your mind to the greater goal. I don't particularly like to drive, but I don't have a motivation problem when I am driving to the mountains for a vacation. Start with any small step. I have found that if I commit to raking up one bag of leaves, I soon want to finish the yard work. Training yourself to take any small step towards your goals is a great self motivation technique. Breaking larger goals down into small steps makes this even easier.

Why do you need self motivation?
 You cannot always rely on others to encourage you, if you have positive friends who are always there when you need them then you are indeed lucky and very much in the minority. If you are lonely or have few friends when you face any difficulties in your life you must rely on your own motivation to get you through. Lack of self motivation at that time could lead to depression .
 You need self motivation to achieve because if you don't encourage yourself to accept opportunity and challenge who will?
 To plan and find direction in your life
 To take up a new activity, hobby or challenge
 To be enthusiastic about life and living
 To have the courage to see things through despite setbacks or negative comments from others
A good way to be continuously self-motivated

 Start simple. Keep motivators around your work area - things that give you that initial spark to get going.
 Keep good company. Make more regular encounters with positive and motivated people. This could be as simple as IM chats with peers or a quick discussion with a friend who likes sharing ideas.
 Keep learning . Read and try to take in everything you can. The more you learn, the more confident you become in starting projects.
 Stay Positive. See the good in bad. When encountering obstacles, you want to be in the habit of finding what works to get over them.
 Stop thinking. Just do. If you find motivation for a particular project lacking, try getting started on something else. Something trivial even, then you’ll develop the momentum to begin the more important stuff.
 Know yourself. Keep notes on when your motivation sucks and when you feel like a superstar. There will be a pattern that, once you are aware of, you can work around and develop.
 Track your progress. Keep a tally or a progress bar for ongoing projects. When you see something growing you will always want to nurture it.
 Help others. Share your ideas and help friends get motivated. Seeing others do well will motivate you to do the same. Write about your success and get feedback from readers.

If you feel that you are lacking in self motivation, you have to try to become motivated again. How? But it is simple, you can follow the following points.
• Focus on what you really enjoy doing, maybe on something you want to take up or on a hobby you've always wanted to devote more time to. What's stopping you? Think about giving it priority to start doing what you love doing.
• Make a list of things you'd like to improve on and how you're going to do it
• Review all the successes you've enjoyed in every area of your life, totally forget any negatives, just positive successes here!
• Start an exercise program - force yourself to do it, it'll make you feel much more positive.
• Contact a positive friend and have a chat.
• Read inspiring books that will help heal your mind and improve your attitude .

When You Feel Your are lacking in Self Motivation always REMEMBER THAT!
1) Behind Every Great Success Is a Great Reason : Successful people aren't inspired from birth to achieve goals. They did what they did for a reason. But not just any reason. It was a reason so strong it overpowered any obstacles standing in the way. A reason that drove them past their fears and on to success. With a strong enough reason, the motivation to act will follow naturally.
2) The Foundation of Leadership: Achieving Extraordinary Results When you set clear goals and become determined and purposeful, backing those goals with unshakable self-confidence, you develop charisma. When you are enthusiastic and excited about what you are doing, when you are totally committed to achieving something worthwhile, you radiate charisma. When you take the time to study and become an expert at what you do, and then prepare thoroughly for any opportunity to use your knowledge, skill or experience, the perception that others have of you goes straight up
3) The Power of Focus Whatever you focus on – you will attract as your subconscious mind will make notes of what you are focused on and you'll start to notice things related to your goal. So if you want to achieve success then define exactly what success means to you and focus on being successful and the ways you can achieve success and achieve your goals. The key question you should ask is "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now?" This is the question that dominates time management . This is the key to overcoming procrastination and becoming a highly productive person
Creative visualization helps you use your natural creative imagination in a more conscious way to create a clear image, idea or feeling sense of what you really want and to achieve your goal by focusing constantly on it and giving it your positive energy until it becomes objective reality.
Take a few minutes right now to achieve your goals in your mind. Imagine a life that is exactly as you want it. What would you do each day? With whom would you do it? Nothing is too crazy or ambitious. A few seconds is all it takes to put you in a state of excitement and enthusiasm. If you can see your goal in your mind, you can make it a reality.
1. Desire. You must have a true desire to have or create that which you have chosen to visualize.
2. Belief. The more you believe in your chosen goal and the possibility of attaining it, the more certain you will be to do so.
3. Acceptance. You must be willing to accept and have that which you are seeking.

Conclusion for Self Motivation Interest and desire to learn is an important. When you link these two things together, you create success. Often success in an endeavor leads to more interest and a greater desire to learn, creating an upward spiral of motivation toward a goal you have established. People’s levels of motivation to engage in a task is related to two main factors, their expectancy of being able to achieve the task and the value success would have for them. In turn, each of these factors is influenced by different elements in the situation and/or the individual. It is the interaction of all these that goes to make up the complex characteristic that we call “motivation”. So don’t depend on others for motivation, always be motivated by yourself.


Winners are:
Too BUSY to be SAD


 Reference:

Author's Bio: 

Prof. Shrinivas R. Patil
Faculty Guide
Icfai National College
Jalanagar Main Road
Bijapur 586104