When you receive the Seal you follow the Law of Faith in servancy. There are 3 Commandments you need to follow: Believing the message of the Seal, spreading the message, and dying daily so the God can give you Life.

In the early days of the forefathers of your faith , the Law of Moses was given. Your forefathers were expected to follow it, and they needed it. They grew from a single family into at least two whole nations.

So the Law of Moses was necessary. It was the code the country lived by and it kept law and order. But it was unlike any other code, for the Law of Moses included God as well as the people.

God made many Promises through the Law of Moses. If the people kept the Law and worshipped God He would give them their land. If they worshipped any other God He would take their land away.

And God promised more than just the Promised Land. He promised Himself to the people. He would visit them with His Presence if they kept the Law and bless them so they lived in joy and abundance .

You still have the Promises of God through the Law of Moses. But not everyone in history was blessed by those Promises. Many of the Jewish people throughout history were still sinners and some whole generations were separated from God.

So God did not visit every generation with His Presence, and defend them from their enemies. That was one reason Jesus gave you a new Law to follow, the Law of Faith .

You may have been taught as a Christian that you are justified by faith and not by law. That is correct. But that is not the complete story. That is only the beginning, not the end.

Jesus gave you a Law you could follow and be accounted faithful. You could have faith by keeping the Law of Faith . That Law of Faith is given to you by the sealed person so that you too may become sealed.

When you are sealed God will write His Name upon you and you will belong to Him. You will not have to worry about Judgment Day anymore since you can claim the Victory--you already belong to God.

And when you are sealed you will follow the Law of Faith in servancy, starting with 3 Commandments. The first Commandment you follow is from the Father--believing the message of the sealed person.

You need to follow the teachings of the sealed person. That is how you too can be sealed. And Jesus told you to believe the one God sent to you, the one God the Father sealed.

The second Commandment you follow is from the Son of God Jesus Christ. That Commandment is to spread the message of the Seal so others may be blessed by knowing of it and build their own faith in God.

The third Commandment you follow is from the Holy Spirit. It is taking up your cross and dying daily, just like Jesus died on His Cross. Because when your old self dies like Jesus then the Holy Spirit can give Life to your new self.

With servancy of these 3 Commandments you will not only build your own faith but the faith of others also. And when you build their faith it only increases your own faith you have when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt