It’s extremely important to find ways to save money when our personal finances are stretched because prices are continually rising. Here are some ways to save money and help our planet.
One way to help your personal finances is to change your light bulbs to CFL bulbs. They use about 25% of the energy of an incandescent bulb. They are a little bit more expensive to purchase, but allow you to save money on electric bills by consuming less electricity. CFLs also last much longer, saving additional money by not having to be replaced as often. Dimming lights is another one of the ways to save money on electricity. Not all CFL bulbs will work with dimmers, though, so be sure to check on the package that it will.
Save money and help your personal finances by purchasing a programmable thermostat. This allows you to lower/higher the temperature of your home when you are not there or are asleep. Keeping your home equally cool or warm all of the time uses a great deal of energy and causes you to spend more money on your electric bill.
Another one of the ways to save money is to unplug your electronic devices. Even when they are turned off, they are using power. Unplug chargers, kitchen appliances and electronics to prevent them from consuming extra energy.
Eliminating drafts from your home is another one of the ways to help your personal finances by reducing your electric bill. Don’t let cool air out this summer, or warm air out in the winter. Use caulking around drafty areas or put weather stripping around them. Another one of the ways to save money on your electric bill is to turn off the lights when you are not in the room. Or better yet, buy motion sensors to install inside and outside of your home. This assures that lights are on only when someone is in the room or yard, and cannot be left on by mistake.
Go green this summer. Try these easy ways to save money, improve your personal finances and help our planet.

Author's Bio: 

Gina Clark writes on financial issues. Visit her blog to learn additional ways to save money and manage personal finances.