© 2005 Debra Gordy. All rights reserved

Little 3-year old Susie holds her dog for hours at a time and has a meltdown when Mom separates them. Forty-year old Tina complains she can’t feel much in her life and resists getting close to people. Diane is terrified of commitment and imagines the man will decide he doesn’t want to be with her. Michael gets foggy and distant, whenever he feels challenged by his wife. Suzanne becomes enraged when her 3-month-old daughter cries at night. Rebecca has been divorced three times and has numerous other difficult, painful significant relationships. Karen can’t lose weight and keep it off, no matter what she does.

What do these people have in common? Something significant happened during their time in the womb or during their birth that is impacting their lives today.

Over twenty-five years of research, hundreds of studies, and clinical findings in prenatal and perinatal psychology have mapped out life in the womb and the birth experience from the baby’s perspective, showing that our fundamental life patterns and core beliefs are woven into the fabric of our being prenatally and at our birth!

During this time, the baby forms beliefs and ways of responding that become her subconscious emotional infrastructure and orientation towards growth or protection. This sets the child up for her basic life patterns and themes. These patterns and themes include those that are uplifting, as well as those that are depleting, because this life is an experience of contrast. Our prenatal and birth experience is our entrance into this dimension of contrast. We came to experience both joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, ease and struggle, light and dark, so that we can know for ourselves the difference, and in that knowing, be able to choose the light – to choose joy.

For many, getting to the joy often requires releasing a lot of darkness. Many have struggled for years with their particular kind of pain, which is often kept in place energetically by deeply held unconscious beliefs and unfinished emotional baggage from the past that is anchored ultimately in the prenatal and birth experience.

The cutting-edge modality of Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is the most efficient, effective and successful tool I know of to release limiting deeply held patterns and core beliefs. RET encompasses holistic, spiritual energy healing and creating tools. The awareness that each person is in essence a perfect spiritual being is at the heart of RET.

Rapid Eye has demonstrated profound success in assisting clients to release depression, pain, insecurity, anxiety , painful memories or experiences, unhappy relationship patterns, and trauma. RET is also highly effective in releasing stress, addictions, compulsions, post-traumatic stress, grief , anger, panic disorders, attention problems, attachment problems, and many other limiting life patterns and core beliefs.

The most exciting use of these tools to me is their effectiveness in assisting us to lay the spiritual and energetic foundation for creating what we want instead. These include happy loving relationships, improving our health, manifesting our ideal weight, and creating abundance in all areas of our lives.

RET utilizes blinking, directed eye movements, breathing, imagery, and other techniques to facilitate the release of limiting, life-depleting emotional, mental, and physical patterns. Neurologically, RET accesses the deep processing, ordering and discharging that we do naturally each night during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of dreaming. Research has determined that the integrative eye movements of REM sleep are vital to health and well being.

During a session using RET, a client sits in a chair as I move an eye-directing device in front of her eyes. Accessing and releasing through all the NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) modalities, these sequences help make connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, focus energetic gathering and release, and assist in rebalancing and anchoring new energetic patterns.

Much of the RET work bypasses the conscious brain, allowing clients to access and transform material anchored deep within. Most people achieve tremendous change in 8 - 12 sessions. Additional tools and resources are used for clients who have experienced significant trauma or abuse , addictions, or serious depression . RET can also be used with children over 5 who experience fears, nightmares, anger, learning or other behavioral disorders.

In summary, Rapid Eye Technology is an extremely effective cutting-edge tool for releasing ourselves from core issues and the root causes of limiting patterns of all sorts, including those anchored in our prenatal and birth experience, and for gracefully creating a joyful life now.

I am personally grateful for this healing gift in my life, and for the privilege and opportunity of sharing it with others.

Author's Bio: 

Debra Gordy MS MRET is a Transformational Relationship Therapist.

The creator of "Happily Ever After! the Divorced Woman's Program for Healing Relationship Struggle & Creating the Marriage of Your Dreams", Debra specializes in assisting divorced women to end their relationship problems, heal their broken hearts, and create a new beginning for a happy, successful new marriage.

Debra's book, "Cinderella Wisdom ~ Five Secrets for Creating Your Dream Marriage in the Real World" will be published later in 2008.