This Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning and the ending of a cycle which began with the Solar Eclipse on the 11th August 1999. To see more information regarding that period please click on the following link: )

Our journey from August 1999 marked a major Spiritual transition where we grew into our higher wisdom . Our growth has been a process of experience, integration and release. We have created experiences in our lives to learn specific lessons, gaining wisdom and understanding. When we have had an experience, we review and integrate the lessons contained therein. Once we have integrated the insights and incorporated them into our subconscious, we release them, keeping the knowledge and information and allowing the emotions of the experience to disperse. It is important that we complete each stage of growth successfully or we may become stuck in one aspect and our growth and development comes to a standstill.

There were three significant aspects to this cycle of transition: the recognition that our Spirit had been restricted and the subsequent accessing of our Spirit; the understanding of our ego identity and its impact on our life; and the accessing of our path into our light and the understanding of our true purpose for being. At this time we are being given the opportunity to review these processes and to complete any stage where we may have gotten stuck in order for us to begin our path of growth again.

In opening ourselves to the energy of the changes now occurring we are able to celebrate these changes as evidence that we have moved onto a new level in our lives. In reviewing the lessons, we allow the old patterns to fall away and are able to take this opportunity to choose the new patterns we wish to create in our lives and in our world.

We have learned the appropriate application of our individual power. We know that it is through our power that we manifest matter from the energetic framework we create with our thoughts, beliefs and desires.

In our world we have been taught that we must be either dictatorial, abusing our power to conquer, or be subservient and give away our power to feel loved and accepted. Our path has been one of balance through these different polarities of our world and we are now at a time where our power and will is perfectly aligned with that of our Creator, the Great Spirit.

Our power is either aligned with our ego or with the Great Spirit, our Creator. When we align ourselves with our ego we apply our energy through manipulation, bargaining and control of others. While we may be able to create and manifest in this way our creations and manifestations are usually not for the highest good of ourselves or our world. These creations will feel empty and unsatisfactory leaving us to want more and better to feel fulfilled.

In aligning our power with our Creator, the Great Spirit, we become conscious channels for manifesting that which is for the highest good of ourselves and all others. We release the need to create specific forms and open ourselves to manifesting that which will help us in fulfilling our purpose on Earth. This right use of power creates a sense of trust in ourselves and a feeling of fulfillment and joy in our creations. We become an extension of the Divine Universal Force.

In aligning our power with that of the Creator, we are able to manifest the light that our planet so desperately needs. We are able to reject the polarities of mastery and slavery and become the true leaders of a new world. We will be guided to resolutions, situations and experiences that are for the highest good of ourselves and all others.

In this cycle of transition we discovered that it is essential that we merge and integrate our Spiritual, mental, physical and emotional selves to feel our wholeness. The Solar Eclipse of February is a time when these energies will combine and create an energy that is more powerful than the sum of its parts, a force which embodies the moment of creation. This energy will clear our minds and renew our bodies and create a rebirth on all levels. Rebirth is not always an easy process but it is a necessary part of the cycles of life and nature. When we are in a place of no movement in our lives, it is as if we are experiencing a period of death . This energy will create a rebirth in a new direction through which we can explore our lives once again. It will create profound and drastic changes on all levels and throughout our experiences.

Some will experience destruction as those areas of ones life that are no longer stable or strong will be torn down. This energy is cleansing and will move through our lives uprooting those creations that no longer serve, enabling new experiences and new creations to take root.

We are being blessed with a time of great change and growth where our energy and our lives will be charged once again. We shall find ourselves in new and unexpected places, full of growth, learning , renewal and adventure.

The key to this process of rebirth is acceptance. Acceptance is a path of surrendering to the higher will of our Creator. It is an act of faith in the greater plan. It shows great courage and wisdom and a willingness to live your belief in the Creators Universal plan.

Wonderful synchronicities and opportunities will arise as our total energy will now be able to work in harmony with our Divine purpose. Our destiny will unfold before us, revealing never before considered ideas and paths to follow. We are at a place where we are able to penetrate the veils of the Void, the place where all knowledge and all possibility are held, and bring into this physical realm those creations which are for the highest good of all beings.

The Great Mystery is about to unfold before you and it is time to own that what which you have created.

Take a look at the beauty of your life and your Spiritual path. Even those aspects which seem dark and depressing will now be revealed to contain light. The currents of energy that are shaping your life, your present and your future, have created something wonderful for you that is just about to be revealed. Take a look at the paths and choices before you all of which are leading you to your dreams .

The path we must now comes from the core of our individuality and will show us our essence and how to bring that into form.

We have learned that living in an isolated and separated state does not bring us happiness or contentment and that the true path to self fulfillment, to happiness, to love and to peace , lies in our connection to the Great Spirit, our Creator. It is through this connection that we realize that all is connected. We are connected to our Earth, to the animals and planets and to each other.

The energetic work we are called to do in this life is only partially physical, emotional and mental. There is also the work of our Soul which involves our service to humanity and the opportunity and challenge for us to be a light in our world.

We are a generation where awareness of the issues of environmental degradation, climate change, war, terrorism and nuclear proliferation are made public. Where we have knowledge and understanding regarding the impact of these issues and we are able to do something about them.

Each generation holds the expectations for all of life and the future of all Creation. What we do in this lifetime will affect the next seven generations of our world, we will impact the next 200 hundred years of time on this Earth. When we heal ourselves and our world we are working for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future.

We are in a time of great service and of deep reflection where we open our hearts to the riches held in our destiny. True merging of understanding and love of ones people and community is required. Justice, humanitarian service and goodwill must become a way of life and it is up to us to seize the initiative on our life paths, to help the needy, to be generous to the poor and to teach others the values of justice, fairness, equality and honour, learning to live in harmony with all of life.

We will find many new opportunities to illuminate our world and we are reminded of our inherent right to experience the blessings of health, wealth and happiness . Imagine the possibility of unlimited joy, love and wisdom.

Believe in miracles and follow your dreams . Rekindle your divine light, wisdom and love. Open your mind and heart to your higher identity which guides you on your path of destiny. Dedicate your life to the destiny you truly wish to fulfill and be the teacher whose words, songs and gentle touch can heal our world.

Accept the healing that your growth has brought you and allow the light and love surrounding you to assist you on your path to your full potential. Even in this time of great energy you are required to face and overcome your refusal to allow right action to flow through you. Control your anger, contain your impulses and keep your faith firm as this is a time of restoration and renewal at your deepest level.

Author's Bio: 

I am an International Spiritual Healer and Teacher working in Cape Town, South Africa. My own personal path of healing has lead me to create this website, and to develop educational and healing processes for helping others. I offer talks to groups and have appeared on radio and television on the subject of Indigo and Crystal Children. I offer private consultaions as well as workshops and teachings, all of which can be veiwed on my website .
I can be contacted on