It's True.

You Create Your Reality.

Don't believe me?

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

-Albert Einstein

This is a scientific fact! Not old science, the new stuff. Facts that are hard to comprehend and even harder to believe. But, I guarantee you:

this stuff will be taught in schools once we open our minds up to it.

People once thought that the Earth was flat, that was their reality and they violently opposed anyone who disagreed. These discoveries are just like "The Earth is Round" discovery, only bigger. With way, way, way, way more insane implications.

We are evolving, but it is a mental evolution instead of physical. It is our nature. As we become more conscious than our ancestors, what we weren't aware of before, becomes obvious all of a sudden. We now live in a time where a huge leap is about to occur, one that will change life for humans forever. An evolution of the mind: one that might possibly save the human race.

What it comes down to though, is reality is an illusion. One that we share and cooperate in. One that we CREATE.

Everything is made up of atoms, we all know this. But, have we ever dove deeper? What is beyond atoms? What are atoms made of? ENERGY! Everything is energy. Your body, the trees, the Earth, your house: ALL ENERGY! The reason they look different is because they are vibrating at a different frequency.

But if this is true, how could energy become something solid?

It can't. Quantum physics proves, atoms are 99.9999999% empty space. You are not solid. Solidity is only a perception in your brain. We 'see' solid objects because our brain capacity can't handle all of the information being brought in through the 5 senses. So it must simplify the information by solidifying it.

If this is confusing it is because you don't yet realize one important secret. It isn't your eyes that's your brain. It isn't until these vibrations travel all the way to the back of your brain, does the picture get created. So, in reality, you are chillin' inside your brain right now. Your body, the chair, those walls, the universe: all in the visual cortex, which is the size of a credit card.

All your eyes do is bring in specific frequencies of light. A small fraction of light that exists. This light is full of information that passes through your brain, while being distorted by your perceptions. Once it reaches your visual cortex, it has been tailored to the reality you expect...not the real one.

I'm sure you've heard this question: "If a tree falls and noone is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" The answer is NO. A sound is a vibration of energy at it's fundamental level. But, a vibration of energy isn't a sound. It only becomes a sound when it is filtered into our brains. Otherwise it is just pressure in the energy field, a disruption. This is the same with every one of our senses. They bring in specific vibrations around us to create perceptions with.

So, the world doesn't exist without our brains, because we and our brains create the world. Even the word 'world' is a perception because reality is abstract. It isn't until we filter an abstract object into a perception is reality created. Otherwise, everything stays vibrating information waves.

Matter is a different vibration than sound, but they are both energy. And they are both perceptions. Nobody really knows what is outside of their brains because information is distorted as it passes through the brain.

What is the highest level of energy?


Your thoughts are made up of the same energy as everything else. And just like everything else in the electromagnetic spectrum, it is electromagnetic in nature. It attracts and repels. Everything you see is information. Differing information has differing vibrations. In reality, just like spirituality has screamed in our ears for years, we are all one. It is all ENERGY.

The world is a thought form. It is the ultimate perception. We all live in our own "Reality Tunnels."(which you will see why this is the reason all of Earth's problems exist.)

"In the beginning was the word."

Continuous thoughts about a specific thing will attract that to you. Whether it be friends, love, money, enemies, poverty or illness. Your habitual thoughts pull in things that resonate with them through the subconscious mind. Your habitual thoughts become beliefs embedded in your subconscious, who is pulling all the strings.


Understanding all of this could change your life and the world. If we all understood that it is our thoughts that created circumstances, we would make Earth a paradise.

whatever the mind can conceive, man can achieve-Napoleon Hill

Author's Bio: 

21 year old Hypnotist and self-proclaimed "The Voice of the New Youth." Author of groundbreaking and hilarious book This Book is Not Real (what I didn't learn in school.)