Often the subconscious will try to sneak messages past our ego into our conscious awareness but most often these get blocked. The easiest way to bypass the ego and get subconscious messages directly is via a dowsing device such as a pendulum or L-rods.

The pendulum is an excellent mechanism for reaching the personal layers of the subconscious. This means that it is easy to get answers to personal questions, but more profound ones such as trying to divine winning lotto numbers require a trance state (like hypnosis ) in conjunction with the pendulum.

If you are buying new clothes you check out the colors with the pendulum first, as some colors will be personally good for you, while others will not. Also the material used in the fabric may have negative connotations for you. Likewise if you were thinking of repainting a room in your house you could use a pendulum on a color chart and pick the colors that the pendulum suggested.

If you are able to achieve a deep meditational state and open you eyes without loosing this state, then you might like to dowse for lotto numbers, or something similar. Apparently the deeper you can go into your subconscious the more chance there is of success.

The subconscious regularly merely to prove its superiority. As the pendulum bypasses the ego then the answers are more likely to be right than wrong, particularly if the questions are of a personal nature, such as health. Also the regular use of the pendulum causes more open channels between the conscious and subconscious and appears to be beneficial in that it causes a permanent improvement in intuition

Instead of having to use a pendulum correct intuitive urges may suddenly appear. If you react positively to these then your lifestyle can only improve. The regular use of the pendulum will cause your own conscious awareness to increase and you then become aware of inner actions with which the conscious mind has not been familiar.

Let's make our own L-rods. Following this exercise . Firstly, if you want to do anything useful with dowsing, you're going to need either rods, or a pendulum. I suggest you start out with rods, since they're easier to use, initially. Get a metal coat hanger, and saw it in half. (I had to use a hammer once, when I couldn't find a hacksaw). Measure two parts of it, which are straight, and connected to each other. (I shall try to scan in a photo of my own ones, to simplify). One of the parts should be around 10cm. The other, 25cm. The exact measurements do not matter, and it doesn't have to be accurate. Saw off the surplus bits, and bend the rod, so that there is a 90degree angle in it. Now make another one. They should be reasonably straight (except for the bend), and equal in size. Before trying any of these exercises I strongly recommend you read the other sections on common myths, and the 'free for all' part. Do not approach this frivolously.

To sum up; the pendulum can be a fairly reliable way of reaching the subconscious. The more you use it the more reliable it is likely to become. It is like remote viewing; the more you practice this the more naturally open your subconscious becomes.

Author's Bio: 

This was taken from the advanced mind power research of Jim Francis and his small research team.

They discovered psychic powers such as how to attract luck, how to cure their mind and body while sleeping by pre-programming their dreams, how to attract new partners with just the power of the mind ...they even found out ways of beating the casinos!... Plus much more...

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