The main objectives of Physical Therapy are to promote body strength, function and mobility and prevent future physical injury. Physical therapy is a dynamic health profession, which utilizes both scientific knowledge and evidence based clinical. A course to focus on prevention of impairments, functional limitations or disabilities by identifying disablement risk factors and providing educational intervention to facilitate a positive change in the health behavior of patients. Physical therapy focuses primarily on those individuals whose potential or actual impairment is related to musculoskeletal, neuromusculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and integument (skin) systems.


Orthopedic Physical Therapy: The first type of physical therapy is the one most commonly known to the general public. Orthopedic therapy usually takes place in the hospital directly following surgery or in an outpatient clinic where customers visit on a daily or weekly basis.

Pediatric Physical Therapy: Pediatric physical therapy assists in the early detection of health problems among infants, children and adolescents. Treatments often seek to improve gross and fine motor skills, strength, cognitive functioning and balance.

Geriatric Physical Therapy: This type of physical therapy is geared toward people of older generations as well as toward people who have trouble with the aging process. Victims of osteoporosis often see a geriatric physical therapist as do senior citizens who undergo extensive surgery.

Neurological Physical Therapy: Neurological physical therapy is one treatment path for patients with a neurological disorder or disease—such as Alzheimer's, cerebral palsy, brain injuries, strokes, spinal cord injuries and Parkinson's.
Heat Physical Therapy: Heat can help relax and heal your muscles and soft tissues by increasing blood circulation. This can be especially helpful if a joint is stiff from osteoarthritis or from being immobilized, or to relax the muscles before exercise . However, heat can also increase swelling in an injured area if it is used too soon after the injury.

Speech therapy : A speech therapist can also help your child strengthen her facial muscles if she has trouble eating or swallowing. This is especially important if your child is not getting enough nutrients at each meal.

Causes of physical therapy

Orthopedic Disorders - Orthopedic injuries are injuries that involve trauma to a bone, such as a fracture, or trauma to soft tissue. People with these types of injuries often have limited mobility because of pain, weakness, and limited range of motion. Westchase Physical Therapy focuses on helping patients regain their strength and mobility so they can get back to living life.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Pain, numbness or weakness that affects some part of the median nerve in the hand, thumb or ring finger. Pain may radiate into the arm. Causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include repetitive handwork and trauma.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

benefits of physical therapy, but the key benefits are to evaluate physical problems, increase and maintain muscle strength and endurance, restore and increase joint range of motion, increase coordination, decrease pain, decrease muscle spasm and plasticity, decrease swelling and inflammation of joints, promote healing of soft tissue lesions, prevent contracture and deformity of limbs, alleviate walking problems, educate patients and family , decrease stress and a whole lot more too numerous to mention. These are but a few of the benefits of physical therapy.

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