Peter Vekselman is one of those people to whom doing the usual and customary thing runs contrary to the way he is wired. Instead of going the traditional and culturally accepted route of getting a job after college and working his way up the corporate ladder, he instead opted for the uncertainty of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, founding multiple successful businesses before ultimately settling on real estate investing .
After building one of the largest and most successful real estate investing companies in the southeastern United States, he continued adding affiliated businesses to his arsenal, and he realized one day that he was pioneering an entirely new and successful business model: one stop shopping regardless of what a client’s needs were. From buying and selling property, to construction, rehabbing, financing, and property management, Vekselman was able to fill just about any void a client had.
Then a new opportunity presented itself.
He began getting franchise requests from people who wanted to learn how to achieve the results he had – without the trial and error of developing and implementing an untested business plan and making mistakes along the way. Vekselman was resistant to the idea because it would have meant a return to the corporate business model he had previously rejected as undesirable.
When one of his staffers suggested he instead make himself available to a student to teach his system in a one-on-one learning environment, he accepted and did that very successfully for a period of time. In the beginning it was a markedly unstructured learning environment. Not knowing how to set up an environment conducive to learning, he allowed a student unfettered access for three days, during which time they would learn as much as possible about his one stop shop investing strategy.
Numerous students took advantage of his unorthodox coaching clinics, including a Texas real estate broker with 500 agents who wanted to show his employees good strategies for increasing their business. He was thoroughly satisfied with what Vekselman taught him – as evidenced by the results of his employees.
As he continued teaching students, Vekselman’s teaching methods got increasingly better and the number of requests for personal coaching grew. Before long, the number of students he was being asked to coach was placing a huge burden on his time because he was trying to simultaneously run his real estate investing businesses. Unable to do both, he curtailed the number of coaching clients he took on.
Vekselman’s real estate company – and his holdings – continued to grow. Torn between a desire to continue investing in real estate and to coach investing students eager to tap into his knowledge so they could build businesses of their own, he once again found himself at a crossroads. Unsure which direction to go, he sought guidance from others.
He discussed it with his family .
After speaking with his family it became increasingly clear to him that while he loved real estate investing, he felt his true calling was in teaching others how to succeed in the rough and tumble world of real estate investing. Answering the call, he began divesting himself of some of his real estate holdings so he could devote his full energies to his passion : His students.
Having previously taught students in a one on one environment, Vekselman developed a unique curriculum that takes the needs of his students into consideration. Years later, he’s convinced that it’s working. Instead of a three day interaction with a student that barely scratches the surface of what he wants and needs to teach, he now gives his students a one year immersion into real estate investing – two months of education followed by 10 months of practical hands-on learning .
Coaching students of all experience levels has allowed Vekselman to pass along all of his accumulated knowledge of investing. He’s able to teach everything he has learned about real estate investing and how to make money. Whether the market is up, down, or somewhere in between, Peter Vekselman loves teaching his students how to become self-assured, confident, and successful investors able to achieve their goals and surpass the expectations of what they hope to accomplish by investing in real estate.

Author's Bio: 

Peter currently works with real estate investor clients all over the US .