When you receive the Seal you will experience the novitation, which is your renewal. God will renew your thoughts and your feelings, and your heart will completely change. Then your actions will change too.

You receive the Seal upon your forehead. Your head is sealed. And your head is where you think. When you are sealed, the Holy Spirit will come to live within your belly. Your belly is where you feel emotions.

Your heart is where the actions of your body come from. Your heart is your natural person. When you are sealed your heart will completely transform into a new heart, changing your actions with it.

First your forehead is impressed with a mark when you have sacrificed your natural life for the Seal. When you sacrifice yourself you will not actually die. God will give you new Life when you lose your old life.

So instead of losing your life, you trade your old life in for a new one. But your old person does die. You completely give up your old life. And your old heart dies off and is replaced by a new heart.

Your heart will conform to the Seal in your forehead. You offer your body as a living sacrifice. The old actions are sacrificed until they are completely gone. Then the new actions will follow.

But there is something you must understand. You do not become selfless when you sacrifice yourself. When you are sealed you can not become selfless anymore, and this is good.

Jesus did not teach you to become selfless. He taught you to love others as you love yourself. The requirement is that you love yourself. You must love yourself before you can truly be said to love another.

You can not become selfless because when the old self passes away, a new self replaces it. God gives you a new identity and you do not go about without an identity. You are called by the Name of God.

So you may have the identity of God Himself. You certainly no longer have your old identity. You may know what God decides about a matter, and you may know what God says to a person.

With the Seal your service to God is rational and reasonable. With the help of the Logic of God Himself you will create your message to send to the people. And of course with the help of your new self.

You will have the identity of God and you will have your own new identity when you receive the Seal. You will be the child of God and you will have some of His Qualities in yourself as His child.

You will not become like the sinful people of your generation. This present generation is of the second millennium to pass after the appearance of Jesus Christ in the world, and it is a sinful generation.

In fact this generation is the generation of Satan himself. Satan is desperate to win souls unto himself before God puts him in captivity for another thousand years. And that is why you need the Seal--to overcome the mark of the beast.

When your mind is renewed your heart will be transformed and your body and actions will follow. This renewal is known as the novitation, wherein you are completely made new when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt