When you receive the Seal you will completely reveal yourself to God. You will renude yourself, uncovering everything you once thought you could hide from Him. This is not only natural in innocence, but also spiritual.

God created the world and what surrounds it in the universe in seven days. On the seventh day He rested. That was when He looked upon what He had created. And He could see it as it truly was--pure.

What God had created was pure. He had not made a mistake in anything He had created. Everything had its purpose. And when He created man, that man was pure too, and completely without sin.

On the fifth day God created the first man. He breathed the Spirit of Life into the man once He had shaped him out of the earth. This is how He will set the Seal upon you. The Seal will shape you out of the earth.

When you are sealed God will impress the shape of a tiny piece of the earth upon your forehead. It is the tiny place where a single wheat Seed is sown and has the chance to sprout up and grow until it bears fruit.

Your soul will be the soil that Seed grows in. You will feed the Seed with the life it needs to live and grow and bear much fruit. The Seed also needs the water, air, and sunlight, and it gets these from God.

But the soil you provide. You are a necessary element of the growth of the Seed. And Jesus Christ Himself is that first wheat Seed sown in you. He wants to grow up in you and bear Fruit.

Adam, the first man, was alone for a while in the Garden of Eden. God wanted him to be alone until he was lonely enough to greatly appreciate the woman God had planned for him.

And Adam did appreciate her. He loved her very much. God caused Adam to sleep a deep sleep and He took out one of Adam's ribs. He fashioned the woman around that rib, and Adam had a wife.

But God was the best Companion for Adam. All the other animals of the earth and birds of the air had female companions. Adam did not have one. So he knew he was alone when he saw the others.

God did not leave Adam alone for long. He gave him Eve as his wife, but He also visited Adam frequently and kept him company. And when He visited Adam had nothing to be ashamed of.

Adam had not sinned yet. God had made Adam completely innocent of any kind of sin or evil. And Adam was naked, along with his wife Eve. They had no reason to want to cover themselves. They had no sin.

When you are sealed God will make you as innocent as Adam in the Garden of Eden. He will cleanse you of all your sins, wash you until you are pure with the Seed sown in you.

When Jesus Christ is sown in you as that first Seed, you will be accounted as completely innocent of any sin. You have to be as innocent as God Himself--you are growing up the Seed Jesus with your power along with the Power of God.

So when you are sealed you will renude yourself before God. You will have confessed your sins to Him and now you will stand before Him revealed and known to Him. Thus He will know you when you receive the Seal.

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Jason Witt