Normally, when I go to bed, I'm asleep within 10 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, and I don't wake up until the sun is coming in my window. On the rare occasion that I lay there, eyes wide open, I realize what it's like for thousands of people, including a close friend, every night. Insomnia is frustrating, to say the least. When it happens to me on the rare night, I just give up and get up. But I can't imagine being faced with that night after night.

I never paid much attention to what I was doing during the day, or evening, on those night's I couldn't fall asleep as usual, since they happen so seldom. Statistics indicate one in every four people suffer from some form of insomnia and as high as 10% have progressed to chronic insomnia.

Insomnia affects all ages groups, perhaps because one of the main causes of insomnia is stress. In the senior group, women tend to suffer from insomnia more than men and it does increase with age. If you have sleepless nights as I experience them, you probably don't have anything to worry about. But, if they're becoming more frequent and you're finding yourself feeling less then rested during the day or you're waking up during the night, it's time to address the situation.

Stress and anxiety are top sleep interferers. If your workload is causing you stress, look for ways to reorganize, learn how to say "no". Never eat heavy foods late in the evening, a light snack is Okay. A hot cup of natural, herbal tea enjoyed while soaking in a warm bath will relax you. Keeping your bedroom cool helps minimize sleep interruptions.

If you find yourself getting tired during the day, fight the urge to take a nap, especially after 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Instead, take a 30 minute walk. You'll feel better and sleep better that night. But remember the rule, always exercise long before (5 to 6 hours) you're going to bed.

Anyone who experiences chronic pain has known sleepless nights. And, if you are taking medication to counteract your pain, that, too, can cause insomnia. It can be a lose/lose situation. Choose a natural herbal remedy to keep your pain under control, without filling your body with chemicals, and allowing you to sleep pain free. That's a win/win situation.

Choose safe, natural herbal formulas that include the herb Valerian, which has been proven to aid in restful sleep. Try the convenience of the calming inhaler before going to bed to relax you and allow you to drift off, peacefully.

Author's Bio: 

Suzanne VanDeGrift has developed this article for Dherbs offers a specially formulated safe, natural remedy for stress, tension and insomnia