We are always hearing health reports that we are living longer. But we aren’t necessarily living healthier lives. We put more and more demands on our minds and bodies every day, yet we increasingly neglect them in order to cram more into our daily schedules. Convenience foods and labor saving devices have helped to give us more time but, unfortunately, in many ways our quality of life has not improved.

I grew up in West Virginia, where our vegetables came from the garden we grew and our fruit from our small orchard and berry patches. The air and soil were unpolluted and the water was pure, much of which came from an underground spring. We did not use pesticides and herbicides.

I remember my parents paying me and my sister a penny for every potato bug we picked off the plants. Our meat came from animals we raised ourselves or from our uncle’s large farm and if we wanted fish for dinner we grabbed our poles and took a short drive to the river and caught fresh fish. These are days that I wish I had treasured more. Now I have to scan every package of meat at the grocery store to make sure the meat I bring home was not grown with hormones and injected with antibiotics. Life was not easy growing up in West Virginia, but if was a wholesome healthy life.

As more and more people want to take control of their own health and lives, natural health is becoming more recognized as an alternative for popping a pill for every minor ailment. Herbs, spices, herbal teas, vitamins and supplements, and essential oils are now being found regularly in kitchen cabinets and natural and organic skincare and beauty products are appearing on bathroom counters.

I remember around twelve years ago when my son was diagnosed with a chronic illness, I started using natural health products and alternative healing methods. My friends and family really didn’t think that going to that extreme was necessary and were very suspicious as to whether it would be of any benefit. But as I see my now nineteen year old working two part-time jobs to buy a car, running around with his friends (I have to keep track of him by cell phone LOL) and he is getting ready to start college in the fall, yes I would say it benefited him.

I would much rather reach for a refreshing cup of peppermint tea than take an aspirin to ease a headache. Meditation, aromatherapy, diet and exercise are now being recognized as valuable natural health treatments for illnesses and diseases.

We need to step back and assess what are the real essentials that we need for a long healthy life. Food, exercise, relaxation and time alone are essential. If you want to take responsibility for your health and wellness, then you must continually re-examine your choices so you don’t slip into a pattern that will leave your body tired and your mind stressed. I am continually researching natural health products and treatments to help myself, my family and friends enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Author's Bio: 

Diana is a Natural Health Consultant. Her website Natural Health and Herbal Remedies, http://www.natural-herbal-remedies.net ,offers the knowledge, insights and experiences she has gained from her journey into the world of natural health and her quest to share it with others.