You are unique. Believe in your power.I remember one day I was hurt by an insult a classmate gave me about my intuitive gifts and my mother’s teachings as being those of witchcraft. I often struggled with being different or strange as so many called me.

There were always wonderful moments before or at bedtime when she would listen to my daily tribulations and smile. One day she asked me who I would like to change my life with for a day if I could do so. I told her I wanted to be a movie star like Elizabeth Taylor. Of course she asked me why! On and on I went about how beautiful she was, rich and famous and adored by millions.

As she often did, my mom made me close my eyes and visualize most of my life’s problems or desires. She had me visualize a day or week in Ms. Taylor’s world. I told her what I would want to do and my mom would stop me and tell me that what I was asking for was not possible as I had staff and 100’s of people that demanded time and work from her and I had a responsibility to produce for them. She made me see a side of her life that could have been one of sadness because she had no privacy. She showed me how demanding and at times unrewarding and hard her life must be to become who and she was to the world.

At the end of our game she would smile and tell me how unique I was and that every person on the planet had been given a great gift when they were born; the gift of becoming who they were meant to be. We are all unique she would say and each one of us would have our own “staring roll” in the world if we believed in our own magic; our own inner power. She made me create a vision of what I would love to be in my world and that if I chose to be a star it would be of my making and based on my capabilities, talents and unique gifts.

Sadly, I have discovered so many people that I have met in my life who have wanted to be someone else. They could never see their own talents and gifts that they were bringing into the world. They could not see or acknowledge their own power or greatness.

There is no duplicate of you so how can you fail! You came into this world already special, unique and with one of kind gifts to share with those in this world that you will come into contact with. Each of us has to find that inner power and belief in ourselves and when you do; you will become the star you are really seeking to be!

Copyright by Irene Martina April 15, 2008

Author's Bio: 

ABOUT IRENEInsightful and compassionate, Irene is a powerful spiritual counselor, author, speaker and teacher who shares her intuitive gifts and wisdom with a myriad of clients including professionals and non-professionals around the globe.

Irene is the author of Journey Beyond and a Self Discovery Journal with 366 of her own quotes to inspire you and challenge your spirit to greater self discovery.

She creates her own reading cards through channeled information as well as she has created a Wisdom Deck, Angel Deck and Insight Deck of cards for her many clients to use. Her various readings are unique and original to her and she is recognized for her profound accuracy rate.

Irene has been seen and heard on many television and radio shows and is currently working on a television pilot for her own show.

As a clairvoyant, Irene saw and spoke to her spirit guide when she was four years old; and at the age of 8 her dreams started telling her amazing things about her life and opened the doors to the spirit world. She knew she was destined to be something else in life other than an accountant. Irene has a Bachelor of Commerce Degree.

Besides being a clairvoyant and medium, Irene is an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner), a certified Adult Training Instructor, Reiki Master and an active member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.

As a professional speaker, Irene speaks on dreams, intuition, meditations, embracing your power, how to discover and awaken your senses and embark on a journey of self discovery. Irene also customizes workshops on these topics.

Irene lives in Edmonton, Alberta and is currently working on a new book and celebrating 30 years of marriage with her best friend and husband, Ron.