Money and manifesting. These are big topics especially since the authors of The Secret resurrected the Law of Attraction recently. Many men took the principles of the laws of attraction and the power of positive thinking and found they had no problem with manifesting. But many women found ...
Money and manifesting. These are big topics especially since the authors of The Secret resurrected the Law of Attraction recently. Many men took the principles of the laws of attraction and the power of positive thinking and found they had no problem with manifesting. But many women found themselves stuck and disillusioned, as their hopes for creating their desires were lost and abandoned like crumpled up paper on the dusty and littered manifesting trail.
Before you head for the therapist’s cushy, expensive couch to try to discover why it is you cannot manifest, it is important to understand that implementing the Law of Attraction is a function of the mind, not of the place that we actually create anything. We create from our root chakra. This is the base. Every woman knows this, but perhaps has just temporarily forgotten. Certainly, visualizing and thinking positively are one step in the manifesting process, but how many women out there have actually created a baby with the power of their minds?
The energy of creation is intrinsically designed to move upward. Anyone trying to create from the power of their mind is doing it backward. All women know that sometimes a slight change of position is all that is needed for ultimate results.
Women that are blocked at the root need to understand that they don’t have to stay blocked. Illusions about self-worth as it relates to money have been taught to them. No one came in here thinking their self-worth had anything to do with pieces of paper. Whatever you learned regarding this, you can unlearn. You can change it. Whatever you have learned regarding money and self-worth was taught to you from the perspective of the person who was doing the teaching. Often that person had their own illusions and ideas about money and self-worth. These illusions do not have to be your own. Remember the truth, be willing to step fully back into your divine right to create and easily manifest everything you desire. Limitations are an illusion.
Dyan Garris is the author of Money and Manifesting, Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards, The Book of Daily Channeled Messages, Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking, and Fish Tale of Woe – Lost At Sea. She publishes a Daily Channeled Message at In 2005 she created a series of music and meditation CDs for healing, Automatic Chakra Balance,™ help in sleeping, relaxation, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit.