Read the headlines in any newspaper; catch on your evening news; millions have lost their jobs and many more are expected to be laid off, downsized, or just plain fired! This national, financial cleanse has forced people to look at self-employment as their only option of survival.

A lot of people are turning to dreams and ideas of writing their first book, launching their own home based business and reinventing their personal and financial history as a result of the slumped economy. However, in order to affect the economy you have to literally become an economy. What do I mean by that? In order to never get caught with your financial pants down again and subjugate yourself to the possibility of standing in the unemployment line, you’ve got to start thinking like the many recession proof millionaires. You’ve got to start thinking about having and creating USI (Unlimited Sources of Income) vs. your PSI or Primary Source of Income which is your JOB (Just Over Broke)!

In an interview with the king of personal growth acronyms, I had the privilege to talk with Business Leader, Bestselling Author and President/CEO of The Waitley Institute ( ); Dr. Denis Waitley who offered these four suggestions:

[1] You must become a free agent
“A free agent is a sports metaphor. It’s an individual who has experience, skills and realizes that he or she does not have a long-term contract with the team; and therefore, is up for free agency which means no one in the economy is going to guarantee anyone long-term employment.

“A free agent is an individual who realizes that they are sports figures that have to go out every year with a new contract and resell their services to a team. They have to show them that they’re healthy; that they’re talented; that they still have some touchdowns and yardage remaining in them; that they’re motivated, and they’re not going to be a problem player. That’s the definition of a free agent … someone who’s looking to the marketplace to sell their talents.”

[2] Fund your career“We should look at a job as something that you do while you’re working your way toward your career. When they ask you, ‘What kind of job do you have?’ you should say, ‘I’m mowing lawns, shoveling snow, working as a waitress, so that I can finance my entry into my career. A job is something you do for extra money temporarily.”

[3] Develop multiple streams of income
“I think the best way is to turn a hobby into money. Most people work for money because they got caught in the responsibility of it when they graduated from high school, or college and they started a family . Therefore, they are into what they’re doing; but they know there’s something more. Identify as early as possible what your natural abilities and talents are by dusting off your childhood. In other words, remember the things you did well when you were five to fifteen. You think of things that you loved to do in your free time and then you ask yourself the questions, ‘Is there a possibility that there is service or product that will benefit people?’”

[4] On preparing for alternative income
“The first thing you need to do is start reading. You need to read, Entrepreneur , INC, Fast Company and you need to read Business 2.0. You need to read those things to find out what other common people are doing to be uncommonly successful. You need to find a breakthrough idea. Moreover, the breakthrough idea will come from reading about other people’s successes because most of those ideas come fresh from people who have turned their hobby into a moneymaking machine.”

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