The law of attraction says people's thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives, whether or not they're aware of it. Essentially "if you really want something and truly believe it's possible, you'll get it", but putting a lot of attention and thought onto something you don't want means you'll probably get that too.

Well, what happens to the people who can’t make up their minds… those people who waffle between options, always weighing the pros and cons, going back and forth, deliberating the potential outcomes and spending a lot of time in their heads? I’ll tell you what they get: a whole lot of nothing!

When you are confused, you’re sending out confusing vibrations and the law of attraction will match that by giving you even more confusion. Make sense? In my work, I see people basically torture themselves and mentally spin as they “think” they want something and then dwell on its absence or opposite. By playing mental tennis, they essentially dam any kind of energetic flow, and instead create a standstill.

I see many women do this especially when it comes to their finances. I hear them claim that they want more money, financial freedom , abundance and prosperity . Sounds like a reasonable desire, right? But then comes the mind chatter and those old judgments: “Well, I don’t want to charge too much for my services because people won’t like me”, or “I shouldn’t want more than my share”, or “In this economy, I’m lucky to have this job, even if it’s low-paying” or “I don’t want to have to pay high taxes, or give my money to my ex, or have all the responsibility that comes with being wealthy…” The list goes on.
I’m here to tell you that the only way you will ever get what you really want is to DECIDE once and for all. When you become crystal clear and make a decision about something, having financial wealth for example, and become resolute in your decision, then you are literally cutting off every other option than to be wealthy. The power of deliberate intention kicks in and clears the path for you to attract your desires.

Your only job at this point is to keep a clear mental picture of what it is you want and to imagine having it. You can do this by journaling. Write down your new annual income, give thanks and declare it to the Universe. Imagine being paid what you’re worth, taking your kids on a shopping spree, happily paying your taxes, donating to your favorite charity . What does your life look like and more importantly, how do you feel now? Write that down!

And when those old, silly lack-filled thoughts try to make their way back in, acknowledge, release and replace them with your newfound, resolute and unlimited way of thinking, keeping the immortal words of Dr. Seuss in mind, “Oh, the thinks you can think if only you try!”

Have fun with this!
Love & Blessings,

Author's Bio: 

Dawn McIntyre is no ordinary intuitive. She is a trained and verified professional with a deep desire to enlighten those who want to know more about manifesting a life of beauty and truth.

Since childhood, Dawn discovered her gifts of foresight, intuition and the ability to see and hear those who have passed on before us. She specializes in connecting with the Divine through coaching and individual consultations. With the assistance of personal guides, sacred souls and angels, she provides gentle advice, solves problems and removes obstacles. Her intuition allows for a deep sense of knowing and understanding events and people in the past, present and future. Dawn's gift of being a clear conduit to spirit allows her to guide you in the manifestation of your heart's desires with ease and grace.

For the past 20years, Dawn has honed her professional skills and training, including studying under world-renowned psychic Sonia Choquette in the Six-Sensory® program, best-selling author Doreen Virtue in the Angel Therapy Practitioner® series and Orin & DaBen, founders of the Awakening Your Light Body program. Dawn has also studied the secrets of manifestation in great detail from many masters.

Always on a path to self-discovery, Dawn continues her 20 year metaphysical journey and education. Eager to share her insights, she is preparing to launch her book "Boldly Beautiful ...where divine beauty and bold expression dare to meet". Her skills as a psychic medium make her a preferred choice as an advisor on