When you receive the Seal God will lift you up to the Prominence of His own Name in magnation. That was how God lifted up Abraham in prominence when He promised the blessings He would give him.

The blessings of God are true Prosperance. The blessing of God is more valuable than any earthly fortune. God will provide for you out of His great abundance . But the blessings He will give you are worth much more.

God will provide for your needs and fulfill some of your desires. He will give you what you need and some of what you want. And when you are sealed you will be thankful because there are always poor people dying because they do not have what they need.

Once you have what you need you will have a lot of desires too. You may even think those desires are things you "need." You do not need most of them but God will give you something else you need in abundance .

God will give you blessing. When you are sealed you will be blessed by God in your thoughts and blessed by God in your feelings. God will stick close to you and guide you to where He wants you to walk.

It is a great blessing to have God stick close to you. Many people teach you how to approach God. How to please God. Indeed, how to choose God. True Prosperance is being chosen by God.

And when God chooses you He will bless you with magnation. This is how He blessed Abraham while he was still known by the name Abram. He promised to make his name great by magnation.

"Go out of your country and away from your family and your father's house," God told Abraham, "and come into the land I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and magnify your name, and you will be blessed."

God blessed Abraham by making his name great by magnation. He lifted his name up to great prominence not only in one nation, but among all the nations of the earth, as his name is prominent today two millennia after the appearance of Jesus in the world.

And since Jesus came and taught you how to live and die, and died for your sins and rose again to eternal Life, your name too will be lifted up to a most prominent position by magnation.

But you are not to become a well-known figure like Abraham. When you are sealed you will become more like Jesus. How can your name be as great as the Name of Jesus? Because you will take His Name.

Jesus will write His own Name upon you. Indeed you will have the Name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit written upon your forehead. But that does not mean you become Jesus Himself. You do not become God.

But you do become more like God. Because you belong to God. When you are sealed and He writes His Name upon you He has shown that He owns you. And this is true Prosperance.

When God claims you, you are gaining the most valuable possession there is--God's Name. And God is gaining you as His own precious Possession. So both you and God prosper.

When you are sealed your own name is made great by magnation because God writes His Name too upon you. Magnation lifts you high by association when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt