You have been doing what you have been told to do by your upline. Right? You have been going to the Thursday night meetings. You have been using the “3 foot” rule, everyone within 3 feet or within arms length is a potential customer and needs to know about the business. You have dreamed “hugh” dreams , plastered pictures of the dreams that you wanted to attain from the business all over the house. Not much is happening.

So you sit back and look at the few people in the organization that you think are being
successful. How are they doing it? If they can do it, why can't I? So you finally get up enough nerve to go to your upline and ask “what am I doing wrong”. Then you hear the
answer “your desire and successful mindset aren't big enough” or you don't have a big enough”why”.

Most people do have dreams and they do have big enough “why's”. What they want to know is HOW.

I don't mean to minimize the intangibles of this business as having a legitimate reason to do the work that is necessary is very important. However, what most people are lacking is the “nuts and bolts” of actually putting together a logical business plan and learning what you need to know to accomplish what you want to experience success in this business or in life generally. Just dreaming and setting goals won`t get it done for you.
You need to know how it is done and what to do and then, TAKE ACTION.

This is an extremely important point because if you don`t take action, nothing is going to happen and the whole effort is a waste of time. I think in order to be a success in the MLM business, a few things have to be said, what has to be said, what you need to know, not what you want to hear.

The multi-level marketing business distributes very generalized information to it`s associates. Why do I say that? The reason is that this business was designed for the “average person”. This is both good and bad, a coin with two sides.

Most of the people getting into this busness get in with little or no intention of becoming the professional that they need to be to realize their dreams and become successful. When they enter, they have no idea what it is going to take to succeed in any business and are not prepared for that level of information. Thus, the effort is made to be very general with the information and guidance from the companies. Most people would say, if they new the real story of what was needed, “I'll pass” as they are not ready to make the commitment to the necessary effort and the learning curve which must be adopted and are looking for something easy. Therefore, the companies want to make it look easy. If it was as easy as the companies would have you believe, then, all the people in the MLM business would be millionaires and we all know that is not the case.

Having said that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with multi-level marketing as a business.The MLM business is a very good business that will provide flexibility to it's participants and will reward those people in relation to the amount of time and effort they are willing to provide if they have been given the proper training and guidance.

Now, as you probably have guessed, this is the first in a series of articles that will provide a miniature MLM marketing course that will provide the nuts and bolts of how to do it and be professional and successful at the same time.

Now, if you actually want to know some of the lies that the MLM industry has been spreading for years, you can get an ebook with no cost or obligation at: .

As I said previously, nothing happens without action. Click on that link now.

Author's Bio: 

Bruce Pickett has been involved in the MLM marketing business for quite some time. His knowledge and commitment lend themselves to helping others succeed. Here is the first step you can take. Get a free ebook on the MLM business. Click here: