When you receive the Seal you are no longer under the Law of Moses but under grace. But you are under a Law. You are under the lectual Law, the Law of the Spirit of Life.

When you are sealed you are not in danger anymore of being condemned for not following everything commanded you in the Law of Moses. God will not condemn you, although men may still condemn you.

What was so imperfect about the Law of Moses was the people who were supposed to follow it. The Law of Moses was perfect and without fault since God gave you the Law and it was not of man.

But just as the Law of Moses included God it included people also. And at first those imperfect people were sometimes righteous and sometimes sinners, so the Law judged them.

Later though whole generations turned away from God and did not follow the Law. It was breaking the Law just to turn away from God. A man may have argued that he was not much of a criminal.

But if he had turned away from his God then he was breaking the Law. A woman may have argued she had never broken the Law. But if she had never known God then she was breaking the Law.

No other Law given by men had ever included God in it. Any other Law may have included false gods that were dreamed up by people. But the Law of Moses included God Himself.

And the Law of Moses included the chosen people of God. Just as God promised to bless the people and do His part by taking action, so the people were expected to take action and at the very least keep worshipping God.

The 10 Commandments are often thought of when the Law is mentioned. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. But the most important Commandment was to love God.

If you love God then you love Jesus. And if you love Jesus you become like Him. When you are sealed you become like Jesus who you love also. Jesus was righteous by the Law.

When Jesus was sanctified by the Holy Spirit His Body was transformed into a glorious new Body. And His Actions were transformed too. He could do no wrong and if He seemed wrong the Law of the Spirit of Life made Him right.

When you are sealed you will be transformed just like Jesus was transformed. You will be justified and made righteous by the lectual Law of the Spirit of Life that also includes you and includes God.

You will be transformed from the inside out. First your heart will change. That will allow the actions of your body to change. Jesus is the Lord of your heart and He will empower your change.

He will fulfill the Law of the Spirit of Life in your heart just as He fulfills the Law of Moses. And the Holy Spirit will fulfill the lectual Law of the Spirit of Life in your belly so your feelings will change also.

When your feelings change your thoughts are also empowered to change. This is what God the Father does. He changes your thoughts, sharing His Thoughts with you, and His Feelings.

When you are sealed the Law of Failure will transform for you into the Law of Fulfillment. The Law of Moses will transform into the lectual Law of the Spirit of Life for you when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt