Let's explore the energy field of Leslie Nielsen as part of our continuing series with AURA READINGS OF THE RICH AND FUNNY.

Most aura readers don't know yet that every chakra worth reading contains 50 databanks of information. Each databank includes a gift, a lifelong special excellence, as lasting as a fingerprint, plus whatever STUFF is clogging up that aura .

STUFF can be seemingly "permanent" dysfunctional patterns learned from childhood, the impact of present problems, a cord of attachment ( )or (as was the case for one of my clients yesterday) a couple of thousand random astral entities that we moved out in one session of Energy Spirituality. .

STUFF can always be healed.

My new book, Read People Deeper, , gives specific how-to's for reading those databanks. Click here to order an advance copy and, if you do this by May 31, you can receive a free gift. And, of course, whatever skills you bring to our blog community, your Deeper Perception is bound to be sharpened.

So let's sharpen our skills on that brainy funnyman, Leslie Nielsen. Shall we pretend we're flying over to him in one of his wacky airplanes?


Famed psychologist Virginia Satir might have called Leslie a "disruptor." Reality is one big experiment to him. Mischievous as a boy, he still has a youngster's irreverence and sense of playfulness. Specificially, he finds it obnoxious how people get stuck on petty things. When people act annoying, he loves to poke and prod and disrupt.

This really becomes evident to me while doing an empathic merge,
as well as from reading his aura. (Note: I'm just using the Darshan Technique from Empowered by Empathy; it's not like "Rose has special powers, unlike me.") It feels to me like an irresistible itch.

What makes Leslie different from others who don't choose comedy as a profession? He has never put in place any auric structures to keep himself in line. No electric fence was installed in childhood. He has gone on to become an inveterate, adult-sized, mischief maker.

All this fooling around has a deep purpose, however. ENERGY FLIES OUT. LIFE GOES FROM STUCK TO SPARKLING.

To call this dynamic by its rightful spiritual name, Nielsen has come in on the Ray of Shiva.


This disruptive power is shared by many in the humor profession. Let's clarify this terminology because it reveals a lot about YOU as well as the rich and funny.

According to Hinduism, there are three gunas that are underlying energies in human life.

The Ray of Brahma involves innovation and creativity . Those born as part of this ray are obsessed with creativity . They work at the leading edge, bringing in new frequencies and discoveries.

Robin Williams is an example of a comedian who has come in for a lifetime on The Ray of Brahma. Have you ever seen him on one of his improvised riffs? They're like rides on a roller coaster. These rides take you somewhere authentically new.

Someone you know personally on that ray, someone who teaches workshops and writes books and blog posts is, of course... me.

The Ray of Vishnu involves maintenance, implementation, making things really work here at Earth School.

Those born on this ray use creativity to make existing things real. Most books published take an established concept and add a tweak or two. That's a Vishnu tweak, folks.

Comedians at that ray include Jim Carrey. After two recent blog posts
in his honor, he's fresh in your mind, right?

Think about how he makes faces. He's taking established reality, exaggerating one small portion of it. This creates self-recognition, then moves the viewer beyond self-seriousness, even dignity. His performances can help the viewer to reconfigure into a new, improved version of self.

It's not surprising that the great majority of human beings come in on The Ray of Vishnu. Earth is a slow planet. Who hasn't noticed that, to your frustration?

Yet that very slowness helps us evolve. Here on earth, our thoughts become things. Our actions carry tangible consequences, decked out with all the trimming with at least five senses. Life here is absolutely fair, when you view those consequences carried across the incarnations (as I do, in sessions of Energy Release Regression Therapy).

So we do need to live with consequences, tweaking and improving our circumstances. Although you and I call this "everyday life," ever notice? Those patterns that you encounter today, and every other day, are incredibly plastic, right in the moment.

Performers at The Ray of Vishnu help give us strength to do more than just muddle through, stuck.

Despite our innumerable opportunities to evolve ourselves and surroundings with help from the Vishnu-ites, sometimes we need help from those who activate the third guna. Then we attract people into our lives, or our TV sets, people who come on The Ray of Shiva.

Destruction is the name of this game. Removal of ignorance! Dispelling illusions! Reminding us that we don't even have to spell words right because if you possess a computer you have that Shiva-like device known as "Delete."

In the animal kingdom, examples of Shiva ray creatures are vultures, hyenas, and rats. No I'm not comparing Leslie to a rat. ;-)

Not exactly.

Animals like these may not be considered cute by most of us, yet they're nature's garbage collectors. Without them, all of us might feel down in the dumps.

What about people born on The Ray of Shiva? In my experience, they include some of the sweetest, most loveable people you'll ever meet. Who volunteers for such a thankless task? Leslie Nielsen does, also Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.

They help you laugh in a different way from the Vishnu or Brahma comedians. Those tears that come to your eyes, when your mouth finally stops roaring -- those tears have especially strong power for cleansing.


Leslie approaches humor as a super-brainy guy, someone with a scientist's way of analyzing his lab experiment. (Gee, Karin, I'm beginning to understand why you, of all people, chose this man.)

Many of those in the humor business possess detachment, but Leslie Nielsen's version is ultra-brainy. When you think about some of his more slapstick moments on the screen, can you tell that his intellect makes that timing work? Go watch him again. You'll be able to get it now.


"If I can make you laugh, you'll pay attention to me."

It's about winning approval. If I'm not mistaken, that sense of humor is driven mostly by the need to win approval from Dad, or other father figures.

Do any of you Self-Growth-ers know about Nielsen's childhood? Comment at will!

You may find different components by doing your own aura readings. Help us to round out this portrait of Leslie Nielsen. He's a gifted humor artist with exceptional intelligence, a yearning heart, and a lifelong bent toward making life more authentic.

For more background to help you join me in doing aura readings like the one here, click here to learn about my system of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses(R) and here if you would like information about my upcoming Aura Reading Intensive, next weekend, , and the last time it's going to be offered this year. We have a few spaces left in our unique boutique event.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment , Aura Transformation , Regression Therapy .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings , another form of spiritual reading.

She's an expert on Aura here at self-growth.com.

Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website, .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” , all about energy fields.

*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality"

*"Empowered by EMPATHY”

*“The Power of FACE Reading”

*“Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here:

With over 100,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, at or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at www.rose-rosetree.com . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community at

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