Many people have looked for happiness in foreign material objects.
Many have looked for happiness in different areas of the globe.
Many people have looked for happiness in psychological medication.
Many people have looked for happiness in their mind or in their brain.

Since 1996, I have been studying, learning , developing and teaching sustainable happiness and I have come to understand that it very well may be impossible to find and develop sustainable happiness in your mind and brain. It turns out that we cannot 'think' ourselves to feeling this deep internal contentment.

Our brain functions our emotional center of our human experience yet the nature of emotions come and go no matter what we do. They are temporary and transient.This type of happiness, hedonic happiness, is evoked by external circumstances basically entirely out of our control.

Most of us live primarily in an experience dictated by our left brain which is an experience dictated by limitation, fear, criticism, striving, pragmatics, and doing.

What if I said, well,
"We are human beings.
We are not human thinkings or human doings."

We cannot "think" our way to sustainable happiness. We have to create happiness from the inside out.

This type of happiness that is sustainable, Eudaimonic happiness, is in our control! It is based on being your authentic self, knowing and using your strengths, knowing your purpose and feeling a sense of meaning and fulfillment in your life. This inner contentment will be with you independent of people, place, things and circumstances.It is very unusual to find someone who has achieved those heart and soul connected experiences. It is through listening to our heart and soul that we find the answers to the treasure of our sustainable happiness.

Would you like to learn how to develop this deep inner contentment that provides you with that heart centered warm fuzzy feeling that presents the greatest experience known to man? A true unwavering deeply ingrained feeling of complete and utter faith that you are a happy person no longer looking for what you are longing for. You are just being a happy person.

Get a Happiness Makeover

Author's Bio: 

Aymee Coget, M.A. (Pronounced Co jjaayy) is living her dreams helping people live happier lives and guiding women in touch with their authenticity. In September of this year, she is scheduled to finish her PhD in Organizational Psychology with an emphasis in leadership and positive psychology. With Aymee's authentic happiness expertise, clients enter into a three month incubation period where they are taught how to get in touch with their inner happiness and inner truth. She is a true pioneer in making a profession in happiness and authenticity using a feminine perspective!

Aymee has a book coming out this year that takes the new science of happiness, positive psychology and combines it with the ancient spiritual traditions of the art of happiness and applies it in a pragmatic workbook you can apply to your own personal and professional life. Her next book will be about how your happiness helps your sex life!

In 1996, she realized her spiritual calling was to help millions of people live happier lives and since then has been in a educational, professional and personal development pursuit ever since. She has targeted the media to help her in achieving her calling so she is currently talking to contacts in the Entertainment industry about bringing her work and her message to the masses through an entertaining reality show. Aymee's media career will launch right after she has completed her PhD.

Aymee's vision is global as she has ambitions to have her Television Show in 150 countries, sees herself facilitating happiness exercises among world leaders in the United Nations, European Union, World Bank, etc., and creating Happiness University! Aymee also has a vision of creating institutions in every country that is responsible for increasing the Gross National Happiness in each country. She believes that if people were happy, they would not make decisions to kill each other!On a personal note, Aymee has overcome being fat, ugly, poor and divorced and has maintained her level of unlimited sustainable happiness no matter what the happiness challenge! Aymee is truly an inspiration and a happiness she-ro to those who have faced the challenges of life because she has persevered with her own happiness and authenticity as her top priorities in life.