Most of us already know that sunlight and sunlamps are bad for our skin. Not only do these things cause the skin to age quickly, they also cause the skin to sag and wrinkle. What about sunless tanning? Is this method of darkening the skin safer than any other method?
What About Your Skin?There are numerous ways to gain a faux tan these days. From sunless spray tanning to various tanning creams and lotions, it isn’t hard to fake that sun-kissed glow. The only problem is that the skin tends to absorb nearly everything that is placed upon it. Thus, the skin will absorb any kind of sunless tanner that is used...or will it?
In order to answer this question, it is important to understand how sunless tanners actually work. Believe it or not, these methods of darkening the skin aren’t quite as bad for you as you may think. In fact, they may even be the best possible way to ward off skin diseases while still obtaining that healthy glow.
How Do Sunless Tanners Work?Most sunless tanners have one common ingredient: dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This product reacts with the outer part of the skin once it is applied. As soon as this happens, the top layer of the skin begins to darken.
Since the outer part of the skin is covered with dead skin cells, the sunless tanner does not last for a long period of time. As the dead skin cells are sloughed away, the sunless tanner goes with them. Most sunless tanners last from five to seven days.
Is Sunless Tanning Safe?Presently, the Food and Drug Administration has approved DHA for use on the skin. The FDA also believes that sunless tanning is a much safer alternative to any other kind of tanning. However, this does not mean that there aren’t any risks associated with sunless tanners.
While there aren’t any current side effects known in relation to DHA, the FDA warns that this product may have a negative effect upon the eyes, nose, and ears. Thus, if you are planning on tanning in a sunless manner, it is a good idea to wear protective eye, nose, and ear gear. Also, it should be considered that the FDA may change its thoughts regarding sunless tanners as time progresses.
ConsiderationsWhile it’s true the FDA does not currently believe that sunless tanners are bad for the skin, this doesn’t mean that further developments will not occur. If you want to keep your skin healthy, consider the fact that the skin absorbs nearly everything that is placed upon it.
In the end, the best possible products for your skin are those that are one hundred percent organic. Make sure that you treat your body right with top-of-the-line products. If you must have that healthy glow, take the time to read all about sunless tanners before you step into that salon. You only have one skin – make sure to take care of it.
Learn the effects of sunless tanning before you step into a beauty salon and start a skin care revolution with the natural and organic products brining professional results which enables women and men of all ages to create amazing anti-aging and healthy results.