Anyone can become an inventor, even kids. There are many inventions that were created by kids - popsicles, ear muffs, and an edible pet food spoon, just to name a few. The invention process teaches creativity and problem-solving skills. This is a fun (and different) activity for you to participate in with your kids. No special skills are necessary - inventing is fun and educational for kids of all ages.

Getting Started

All you really need to get started is 1) a pencil or pen, 2) some paper, and 3) some time to invent with your child or children. I suggest a bound notebook that keeps all of your invention notes in one place. Spiral bound notebooks work well. Personally, I like "lab notebooks" that have a stronger binding - but anything will work to record your ideas. Use this "invention notebook" exclusively for your invention notes and ideas.

Pick a time and place to have your first "invention session". You can schedule a specific time every week or have impromptu sessions - or both. There is no specific time period for these sessions - keep going as long as you and your child are coming up with new thoughts. Think about a special place - in your home, at a park, in nature, etc. Avoid distractions - no TVs, kids playing, or other loud noises.

Here’s a system I use to create inventions.

1. Identify a Problem - Think about problems you see every day - problems discussed in the news, in your daily life, or anywhere. Think about problems that are relevant to kids. What does your child complain about that might be solved with an invention. Perhaps a new type of robot that automatically picks up kids toys and puts them in the toy box! An example invention created by a kindergartener is a foldable step that lets the child reach the sink to wash their hands. The step then folds and is stored in a place that doesn't interfere with adults using the same sink. Think about improvements that would make your daily life easier or enhance your child's activities.

2. Develop a Solution - Look for solutions to the problem you and your child identified. Think about existing solutions to the problem - can you improve on these solutions? How are similar problems solved in different industries or different environments? You may not see a solution initially - be patient - talk about possibilities with your child. Don't rush this part of the process - give it time and the solutions will appear. Encourage your child to make every suggestion they think of and don't criticize their ideas. Every idea is "fair game" when brainstorming.

3. Expand Your Solution - Keep discussing the solutions that are developed. Can you improve upon your initial solutions? Can the solution be expanded into other markets with similar problems. Also, think about other benefits provided by your solution.

Enjoy regular invention sessions with your child. It's a fun activity that teaches your child to be a creative thinker and a problem solver.

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