What is your relationship with money? Have you asked yourself that question yet? If you are starting a new business and are a stay-at-home mom, this might be one of the most important questions you can ask. After all, setting the right price on your products and services is an integral part of your future business success.

Many women don’t feel they can charge the appropriate price on their merchandise. They fear that they aren’t worth what the appropriate price for these products and services. Do you fall under this same self-limiting behavior ?

Learning how you are around and with money can be an important key to how you will run your business. Do you spend differently when you feel different ways? For example, if you are depressed or bored, are you more likely to go out shopping? Do you hoard your money too much and not spend it on necessary items like storage bins until the chaos has taken over your house? How do you feel about money in general? Does the thought of asking for or exchanging money for services or products make you want to cringe?

You will need to feel confident about your money exchanges and organizations in order for your business to grow. Also, you will need to analyze your individual approach to money. If you realize that you get bored and spend cash, you will need to be particularly careful to not spend money during the slow months of your business. For all companies, there are some months that are better than others across the industry. Recognizing the slow months are approaching and knowing that you have a tendency to spend mindlessly when you are bored will help you keep your finances in check during this time.

Learn your relationship with money in order to see what kind of impact it can have on your business. You will need to be very savvy about spending money for your business to help promote it, buy supplies for it and more – without going overboard and breaking the bank. Get the answers you need when you look into your own relationship with money and your growing stay-at-home business today.

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April Coggins is an entrepreneur coach for stay at home moms. She teaches moms how to turn their passion into profits in record time.