Is your niche happy with you? Does the media hang on your every word? Will they still love you tomorrow? To build strong, lasting relationships, you must remain front and center. The allure is all in your availability.

As an adroit Nichepreneur®, making constant, consistent connections helps your niche get to know you. Some of the most powerful resources that improve your accessibility - without losing precious time - are online. By crafting blog posts, you engage your target audience. When you send an email newsletter packed with tips, checklists and articles, you build credibility right from the inbox. You're on. They can tell.

From initiating online discussions to instructing webinars that support industry professionals, the web is your platform to create and sustain key relationships. Every day, dozens of new Nichepreneur® tools become available to help you succeed. Some of them take time to master. Others only require a few minutes to reap the benefits.

Today, I'd like to share with you one clever, easy-to-use microblogging tool that helps you keep in touch with your niche. Whether you've just published a blog post or want to share a helpful web address, this top microblogging program can support you.

I'm talking about Twitter . You can follow me via my Twitter account .

You've likely heard of this before. You may already have a free Twitter account with your profile and a few tweets, answering Twitter's question, "What are you doing?" With Twitter, you can do so much, including:

- Reach your niche audience with highly targeted posts, called tweets

- Broadcast your blog posts with links to millions in an easily digestible format

- Share insider tips with your industry directly from your blog or mobile phone

- Follow others - even by keyword - to find out what's discussed in your niche

As this resource quickly gains popularity, now is the best time to jump right in and learn how it can improve your visibility. Twitter isn't just a site to share what you're up to, it can help you promote your business.

Are you ready to discover treats in tweets? Here are five surefire morsels to make the most of your free Twitter account and engage your niche:

1. Watch and learn. View what others write about your niche. Notice how these tweets are formatted - short and to the point. To do this, try Twitter Search .

2. Keep your tweets balanced. As a Nichepreneur®, you have lots to share, but don't overdo it with self promos or overwhelm your followers with too many tips.

3. Remain human. Your industry is run by people. And these folks value variety. Share the human side of your niche, and you're followers will get to know you.

4. Beautify your links. You may notice blog post tweets that use the domain . Use this free service to clean up links within your tweets.

5. Tweet responsibly. What you say on Twitter is seen around the globe and indexed by search engines. Write it. Read it. Rewrite it. Check it. Then update.

BONUS TIP: Access Google's keyword search tools to discover how web surfers word their searches. Include their popular key phrases in your tweets, and they'll find you.

By following others, joining in the fun and keeping your tweets concise and easy-to-read, you improve visibility and engage your target audience in an exciting new way, building and maintaining quality relationships online.

Once you use Twitter, you'll find many new ways to tweet.

You may want to tweet from your mobile phone using an application such as Tiny Twitter or any other mobile phone software application for microblogging. You can even broadcast your tweets when you're away from the computer with TweetLater .

Twitter plugins provide other key productivity tools, allowing you to configure your blog to work seamlessly with Twitter. For example: if you use WordPress, consider
Twitter Updater
to automatically tweet updates about your latest post, giving the entire Twitterverse a chance to tune into your blog. There are many other WordPress add -ons.

For more time saving advice, read my blog posts this month.

It's time to let your industry know more about you, your expertise and how much you care. By building stronger, lasting relationships online, you add value to your niche. Tweet smartly, and they'll follow you anywhere.

To claim your riches in niches, subscribe to my blog , or tune into Riches In Niches Radio .

Author's Bio: 

Written by Susan A. Friedmann, CSP, The Nichepreneur© Coach, Lake Placid, NY, internationally recognized expert working with service professionals to increase their niche marketing potential. Author: "Riches in Niches: How to Make it BIG in a small Market" and "Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies." Claim your free copy of the special report, "The Nichepreneur© Mindset" at