Even Oprah is a believer! You can heal yourself, find out why you are the way you are, why certain things motivate or scare you, and how to live this life to the fullest when you use hypnosis to venture into the Interlife.

Today, a growing curiosity has brought many individuals to explore the possibility of past lives. Dr. Georgina Cannon has regressed 1000's of individuals who have come to her for answers about who they have been in another life.

Hypnosis can help bridge the barrier between this reality and the next and Dr. Cannon facilitates regression sessions for those who are curious to discover if they have had another life and who they might be.

These 10 Clues Can Reveal Our Past Life Identity:

1. A deep attraction to certain subjects in school?
2. A feeling as a child of being from somewhere else?
3. An attraction to certain games such as model planes, playing war, teacher, cowboys and Indians?
4. A deep attraction to a certain period of history?
5. A natural skill that came from early on in life?
6. An early awareness of pre-destined life path?
7. Unexplained fears of water, heights or other?
8. An instant affinity with someone that seemed to come out of nowhere?
9. An instant repulsion to certain cultures or people?
10. A strong pull to travel to a certain country?

For those who share a healthy dose of skepticism—a trip to view the evidence of their past lives could drastically change their current life. For some people this journey can be life-altering. Dr. Cannon does not try to prove or disprove the existence of reincarnation or the Interlife, or prove that memories can be recalled through hypnosis . Instead she asks us to examine our present lives ask ourselves: Why are we here; what is our purpose; and what can we do to make our present lives better?

Go into Past Life Regression with a “believe it or not” attitude and see if it resonates with you. See if this is the time in your life when you might want to consider taking a journey into the Interlife to find out why you are here, the purpose of this lifetime, and what you can do to make your current life richer and more fulfilling. Ultimately, this current life is the most important life—it is here and now. And why not do whatever you need to do to live it as fully as possible.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Georgina Cannon, a certified master clinical hynotherapist, is an international award-winning teacher, lecturer and Director of the Ontario Hypnosis Centre in Toronto, Ontario. In the eleven years since it's founding, Cannon has initiated the ethical protocols and procedures for regression now followed by her students and many others in the regression field. Dr. Cannon is the author of the best-selling books Discovering the Interlife and Return Past Life Regression and You.

Dr. Cannon is recognized by many in the media as "The Source" for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, and she regularly meets with medical and wellness professionals to enhance their knowledge and awareness of hypnosis and the dynamic healing potential of soul, or past life journeys.

For more on Georgina Cannon visit: www.ont-hypnosis-centre.com .