Have you noticed how when you are off your game these days, it is easy to develop a pain, a flu, a headache, a migraine or an argument? Have you also noticed that when you are “on”, the degree of serendipity in your life is 10 fold what it was a decade ago? Your observations are correct, and that is because the power of our intentions since the WWI, to create peace both within our bodies, and within our world, has been escalating exponentially – and the vast majority of the current populous is observing the current war, Aids, environmental shifts and health issues that are causing an even more powerful “asking”. Of course, thoughts do affect energy…..which means that these wonderful intentions have actually created such a momentum toward living Heaven on Earth, that if you are not finding Heaven within yourself, peace within yourself, you are going to have struggles and illnesses. That does not have to happen, though.
My friend Will politely, yet poignantly calls the Law of Attraction , the Law of “Distraction”. I giggle every time he says it. Why? Well because from teaching the Laws of Metaphysics through experiential courses & coaching to over 5000 people, I can tell you that The Secret was a fair catalyst for the average person to start thinking in terms of thoughts and energy. The movie is simply a prelude, however, preparing us all for a shift in consciousness that goes far far beyond doing “Dream Boards” and setting intentions every day. My friend, we are entering into a time where life is speeding up….and you will have no choice but to let go and enjoy the ride. Now you can do that gracefully and effortlessly, or you can stay in the paradigm that a great life requires hard work, and struggle.
I am always searching for further connection to ease, flow and joy, because in my years as a nutritionist, I was not interested in the least in helping people manage their health issues, I was interested in having them transcend their symptoms completely. I knew it was possible. I knew that the belief systems that were created due to experiences and environment were the triggers for the genetic expression of our cells. For me this is the key to how our physiology and biochemistry gets so far away from what God/The Universe/Creation (or whatever you prefer) intended for us. We are an extension of that Source Energy, therefore we are meant to live in perfect harmony with our cells. That is why illness is called literally “dis-ease”. We are meant to be magnificent creators, unique painters of our own canvases, free from the confines of a history of should’s and shouldn’t’s that have served their purpose up until now. Have you noticed that you absolutely cannot get your children to follow most of the rules our parents taught us, because they are on the leading edge of this change. We should not be medicating or controlling our blessed teachers, we truly need to listen to them as the teachers that they are, because they are at the forefront of the shift.
Did you know that as a % of population, right now there are more people in their 20’s who are new millionaires, than in their 50’s and 60’s combined. Personally, I do not like to use money as the measurement stick for whether you have a great life or not, however, it is measurable, so useful for this example. Based on our current (and changing) social belief system, youth in their 20’s have much to learn, must go to school, work hard, struggle, and then accumulate wealth so that one day they can be millionaires…..but the children these days, are just not buying the old paradigm (and I, for one, love that). That’s why many of them are living their bliss so easily.
So now the big question? How can you live that limitlessly, that expansively, that creatively? Well, my dear friend, the best way to do that is not through visions, goals, dream boards (though they are very fun, and I do encourage doing fun things)…………..the most effortless way to create a life of miracles, is simply to remember who you really are. So who are you really? You are an extension of the same energy that creates worlds, Milky Way’s, Galaxy’s and acorns that become oak trees……when you limit yourself to old paradigms, you are living less than who you are. On the day you were born, the Universe could have created a star system, a sun, or a nebula…..but in that millisecond, the Universe thought that you would be the most important creation, as a part of this magnificent co-creative quest for more joy and peace . This has to be experienced, felt……..and you can ask your cells right this second to experience the possibility that this is who you are. You are a gift that keeps giving to all of us, as you become who you are. As you let go of what your mother, or father or sibling or teacher or Uncle did in your past, you will remember how limitless you felt as a 3 year old. That is who you are.
I cannot write enough for you to get it. Personally, I get it more and more every day. I am truly blessed. My gift is to be the cause of others remembering on a cellular level, who they really are…..and in doing so, they leave behind the struggles, and beliefs of the past. In this time of great change, and incredible transformation toward peace and joy, is it time for you to remember who you are? You see, when you remember, and you resonate with the expansive creator of love, abundance and joy that you are….you are then in complete connection with All of Creation (which does not need vision boards), so you will never need to work hard. For then, and only then, will you know that whatever you can imagine will be yours, whatever you can dream exists already….and you are simply here to enjoy the magical unfolding of the life you came to live. Just BE who you are. Unfamiliar, yes, difficult, no.
You have nothing to prove to anyone, including yourself. You are here NOW, you were created by the Source of all things, therefore, worthiness is not an issue, and never was. Any questions?
So what are you going to create with your life, you magnificent creature you?
Jennifer Hough – Best Selling Author and Speaker
• Creator of: Get Out of Your Own Way™ - a course in joy, and living the purpose of life
www.thevitalyou.com to sign up for the Free Great Life E-news
• Experience Jennifer live at her day long workshop called: “Finding Your Life’s Purpose and Living it Now”, February 23rd, 9-5 at the Toronto Botanical Gardens

Author's Bio: 

Founder of The Vital You, Creator of the “Get Out of Your Own Way Course™”, Best Selling Co-Author in Wake Up and Live the Life You Love and A Search for Purpose and author of the School of Unlimited Life &The Ultimate Holistic Cookbook.

Jennifer Hough is a Life Coach, nutritionist, best selling co-author of 2 books and an international speaker for the past 11 years. She truly does ‘walk her talk’. She has transformed her own life from years of financial struggles, chronic migraines and fatigue to one of abundance and limitless vitality. Jennifer is an energizing 'human magnet' who has the largest Holistic Nutrition Coaching Practice in Canada. Her clients are those ready to transcend self-sabotage and create joy, ease and flow in life – most have struggled years, and worked hard at life, only to find the gift of “Getting Out of Your Own Way™” (the course Jennifer created). She masterfully leads her clients to transcend the underlying programs that keep them stuck, and teaches them tools so they can deliberately create their lives and health. Her gift is to intuit and interpret the most leading edge metaphysical information and make it practical and understandable for lasting, mind-blowing change in your life.

Jennifer is a pioneer in the field of Law of Attraction and health and mind/body medicine. She currently travels the world speaking with those ready to transform their lives, transcend their genetics, and live an unlimited life.

Today, Jennifer lives with her husband Garry and her dog Emerson. Jennifer is also the proud step-mother of Ashleigh and loving grandmother of Austin-Jack.