There are a lot more people losing their jobs during this recent recession. More people will be looking for business opportunity. Before you invest any time and money into any business opportunity, you must be able to recognise MLM scam.

Let's explore the definition of "scam" From I found this definition: A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle

There is lots of information in cyberspace about MLM scam this or MLM scam that. People are afraid of the unknown and since very few know much about MLM, except hearsay, it creates an atmosphere of anxiety and aversion.

The scam theory that some people develop seems to come from the business presentation. They are presented this awesome pay plan that they just have to find five who find five. The promise of it being easy and simple is most likely where the scam idealism starts. It just grows after each failure experience until the definition of scam gets hooked to the MLM name.

Many MLM programs are actually legitimate, but that does not mean that most are not scams. You might think they are easy to pick out and realize that they are not legitimate, but this is not always the case

Be on the lookout for these signs of MLM Scams

-If the plan is focused in drawing new members and offers you high rewards for such be suspicious. Legitimate MLM companies will not force consumers to join the MLM system to be a distributor themselves. These types of systems pay commissions to distributors based on actual product sales, not for recruiting.

-Watch out for companies persuading that you invest in a large amount in inventories before starting your business. Please find out reasons why are they proposing this to you. Remember, you do not want to end up with a huge inventory and there is no support to help you to retail.

-If a company offers ridiculous claims about miracle products, be sceptical. Most medical advances have come about through years of proven clinical study, not some individual success.

While most network marketing companies are legit, be aware of the scams. Just like in any business model there are a few fraudulent people who start network marketing companies too. Do your homework on the company so you can be assured it is a good business!

The easiest way to tell if an MLM is a scam is to use your gut or intuition . If it seems like the product or service that they are offering is of value and if the compensation plan is acceptable, then it may be a good MLM to invest in.

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Ngoh Kwong Meng has not only been successful as a successful enterpreneur, but also as a leader in the field of Network Marketing .