I created the Organized Living Dictionary to define the terms that are in used in the literature when the experts write about "getting organized". While these terms may be in common use in everyday language and varying contexts, the meanings given here are within the context of organized ...I created the Organized Living Dictionary to define the terms that are in used in the literature when the experts write about "getting organized". While these terms may be in common use in everyday language and varying contexts, the meanings given here are within the context of organized living.

The word declutter is not even in the dictionary yet! So out of necessity I invented my own definition!

cognitive process - anything that refers to "cognitive" or a "cognitive process" means thinking! There is no doubt about it....organized living requires thinking.

clutter - A term that is used to signify a collection of objects that seem to have no visible relationship to one another. The term is used to refer to collections of items that seem unrelated and block you from moving freely either emotionally or physically.

chronic disorganization - an long standing inability to create order using common ideas and principles of organized living. This inability manifests in all areas of the person's life and creates a negative affect on the quality of life.

declutter, - the action of getting rid of clutter

disorganized - a way of functioning that lacks apparent order, planning or systematization. Sometimes a person will seem disorganized because the system that they are using is not apparent to other but works for them.

organize - to arrange things in a cohesive way so that relationships between items are clear and apparent. To create systems that make life easier and more predictable.

planning - the cognitive and collaborative processes of creating the steps to achieve a desired outcome. In the context of organized living achieving control is always the ultimate desired outcome.

procrastination - the subconscious decision to avoid making a conscious decision

purge - to get rid of impurities and whatever is undesirable.

situational disorganization - a temporary state of disorganization brought about by life circumstances such as losing a job, divorce, death of a loved one, moving etc.

sort - to arrange or classify in pre-determined categories.

space - that three dimensional area occupied by stuff. Your space is the three dimensional area that you lovingly call your own and should be occupied by you!

As I often do when I am being creative with words I asked for my husband's feedback on my definitions and gave him a printed list for his perusal. Days went by and I thought that perhaps I had fallen victim to my husband's procrastinating habits and then one day I entered the office to find the following handwritten list of definitions sitting by the computer.

cognitive process - anything and everything that makes the children whine "Do we have to?" (what can I say he is a retired teacher!).

clutter - my brother's garage.

chronic disorganization - my brother.

declutter - when you throw away stuff I like or need

disorganized - my brother

organize - when I get to arrange things the way I like them.

planning - What's that?

procrastination - being retired

purge - I saw that on Holmes on Holmes! It's a cement they use to waterproof basements!

situational disorganization - any time you touch my stuff.

sort - isn't that a sound that pigs make?

space - a word used to describe the part of the human anatomy located between the ears.

What can I say. I am from Venus ......he is from Mars.

Have they even heard of Organized Living on Mars??

Author's Bio: 

At www.organization-makes-sense.com Beverly OMalley offers home storage ideas for every room in the house. You can even contribute your own organizing tips that you have found helpful in organizing your home and family life.