Do you feel your life is in chaos, that everything you try to do takes so much effort? You want to be organised, but you haven't got the time to clear up the mess so that you can be.

Do you wish that you could be more efficient and effective in your daily life and have free time to enjoy what you really love doing? Well, let me illustrate with a simple story just how little effort is needed to be efficient and effective - it only requires a different approach.


Julie was really happy with her new bathroom, she loved the colours and the feel of it and enjoyed taking a long hot shower to refresh her body and mind, ready for a new day.

Then one day she noticed it in a corner, just a speck on the shower curtain, but it gradually got bigger - black spots invading her lovely sanctuary.

She took the curtain down, washed it on the hottest wash that the fabric would allow and still there, lurking, was the trace of a stain where the mould had been. Oh well, she hung it back up anyway. It didn't take long before the mould came back again and this time she tried soaking it in bleach first before the wash.

This was the pattern, every wash day the curtain got a soak in bleach and washed, until it was looking so faded and worn it was thrown out and replaced.

So with the new shower curtain, Julie once again enjoyed her shower and no black mould! But for how long? She thought about what she could do differently to prevent the black mould growing in the first place. Then the idea came.

"I'll draw the shower curtain across so it is spread out, instead of scrunched in the corner as I used to do. Then it will dry out quickly and mould won't have a place to grow!".

So by ONE SECOND'S worth of effort every time she had a shower, she saved extra washing and pre-soaking in bleach. Not only did this free up more of her valuable time, she spent less money on bleach, washing detergents and shower curtains and she also poured less down the drain to pollute the environment.

EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE means thinking about your actions, understanding the consequences and modifying your approach if you want a different outcome.


1) It's easier to be efficient and effective if everything has a place and is in it's place.

So start with the area of most clutter - wherever things get "dumped temporarily". Get some boxes and label them. Such as "hand tools", "stationery", "photos", "things I don't want know what to with", etc.. Whenever you have something to "put away" you have a labelled container in which to put it. Every time you go in that room for something, whatever you pick up can go in a box. It's an ongoing process and gradually you'll find that the "dump" moves into labelled boxes, making it easier to find things. The reward for this effort is less time spent hunting for things and less frustration. You might even have time to build more cupboard space for the contents of the boxes!

2) Check your repeating patterns, look for better solutions.

If you find that you are spending a lot of time, regularly on a particular task, sit down and think about why. Work your way back to the root cause of the problem. Like the shower curtain example, getting back to the basic problem helped find a better solution. So there may be a better solution to your own "problems in life". Make sure that you go as far back as you possibly can go and even elect a friend to help you. The very process of repeating it to someone else often highlights an answer that hadn't been thought of before.

3) Don't put off what can be done today.

An old phrase, but extremely true. Handle it once. Whether this is the incoming mail, a job to do or a communication. Putting it down to do later means it has time and energy applied to it more than once. Time and energy that can be used for more enjoyable purposes.

Author's Bio: 

Many years of working in systems and project management has
taught me how to be efficient and effective. Now I can put some of my "systems thinking" to good use in personal development. More articles and personal guidance are available from myself and associate counsellors / psychic readers at