The talented international awards winner, Master Kenny Hoo ( ), shares with our readers the following useful Good Feng Shui tips and predictions for year 2008.

Author: Kenny Hoo, Geomantic Researcher & Consultant
Tel: +6017-888 9928

FENG SHUI is an ancient Chinese practice in harnessing the natural forces created in the surrounding environment to bring about good fortune, prosperity , harmony and to achieve a better quality of life.

2008 is an Earth Rat year. Some refer to the year 2008 as a ¡°Blind Year¡± because the arrival of Spring (Feb 4th, 2008) falls before the Lunar New Year in 2008 (Feb 7th, 2008).

According to hearsay, during the ¡°Blind Year¡±, we should not perform any major events such as renovation, moving house, marriage , conceiving, etc. Such information is actually incorrect. Major events like these can still be carried on so long they are done during selected auspicious dates.


Over thousands of years, the Spring Ox Chart (shown above) has been used by the farmers in China to provide guidelines and forecasts, especially as to weather conditions. This is useful in agricultural activities and planning.

The Spring Ox chart for 2008 indicates that it will be a turbulent year. Rain, flood and landslide will be more frequent from early February to early July. In the second half of the year, there will be a drought. A long period of low rainfall, may adversely affects growing and living conditions.

Besides that, famine, disaster and outbreaks of contagious diseases will be more prevalent in 2008.


In the previous Good Feng Shui annual article for 2007, I wrote that: ¡°From a more positive point of view, the ruling 2-Black star aggregates the Earth element. Hence, property related sectors will experience a boom era in 2007¡°, and ¡°2007 carries heavier Fire and Earth elements. We foresee that in this particular year, property sector will soar to greater heights.¡±

Yes and true enough, from Malaysia, Singapore to China, we experience a historic high record in the property sector.
I also wrote in the Good Feng Shui article for 2007, ¡°We foresee more legal cases¡­in 2007¡±. Yes, we witnessed these events occurred in locally and overseas. For example,

¡°Lawyers protest against Musharraf¡± ( )¡°Malaysian lawyers hold rare protest in capital¡± ( )

And the unexpected ¡°Hindraf¡± rally cum protests in Malaysia¡­
I also wrote in the 2007 article, ¡°There will be prominent people in high positions stepping down this year¡±. How about these, involving figures from two of the most prominent countries in the world?
¡°Blair will stand down on 27 June¡± ( )
¡°Abe announces he will resign¡± ( )

The above are some of the examples on how the yearly Flying Stars affect us.


2008 is a year of the Earth Rat, according to the Tong Shu almanac, the yearly ruling star is the number ¡°1¡± White Water auspicious star.The number ¡°1¡± White star is the ¡°ruling party¡± in 2008. From the Feng Shui point of view, it is an auspicious set of energy and the carries Water element.

The Number ¡°1¡± White Water star represents intellective, scholastic, wisdom , fame, relationships, love affairs, traveling, moving, patience and aggressiveness.

From the health point of view, it represents the kidney and the urinary system. In 2008, diseases relating to influenza, the nose, eyes, ears, urethra, womb, ovary and dystocia will be more prevalent.
The ¡°1¡± White star represents voluptuary. Especially for those whom were born during winter season, or those whose Life-Gua is Kan (¿²ØÔ), they may need to exercise more precaution in matters pertaining to the sexual and fertility systems. Excessive night life may trigger unexpected health problems.

The ¡°1¡± White star also represents love affairs, romance and relationship. Therefore, marriages, third-party affairs will be more prevalent in 2008. Problems in marriage or relationships, including sex scandals will be more frequent.

2008 will be a year with full of innovations, speculations and short-term opportunities and risks. A wiser management of business and personal wealth is important in order to avoid any loss and to gain the maximum from the opportunities.


The auspicious sectors in 2008 are the East, Southeast and Center sectors.Great wealth arrives at the East sector in 2008. Despite short-terms ups and downs, generally China and the eastern countries will continue to perform well in 2008.

A water feature can be placed at the East sector of the house, during a pre-selected auspicious date and time, to further activate the auspicious force, especially for wealth luck.

As for the Southeast sector, one can place some red- or yellow-coloured items, or red light, to further enhance the yearly positive force which brings about plenty of innovations, creativities and good fortune in career and business. One can place a yellow lamp 24-hourly at this sector of the house. If the main door is located at the Southeast sector, place a piece of red or yellow floor mat in front of the main door. This step will further enhance the positive forces in this sector which is able to generate lots of happy events in the year.

The Center is occupied by the number ¡°1¡± White ruling star. It carries lots of good fortune in love, romance, wisdom and wealth. We should ensure that the center of the house is clean and tidy at all times. To further enhance the wealth and romance fortunes, we recommend decorating the center of the house with a white or blue colour tone, perhaps using items such as floor mats, tiles, curtains, or carpets.

Some "commercial" Feng Shui masters may suggest various types of costly crystals or some forms of statues to be placed in certain sectors of their recommendation. However, with GOOD FENG SHUI® services, we only recommend the above low-cost yet effective remedies as mentioned above. Based on our experience, the traditional, authentic Feng Shui methods only emphasizes in the effective MANAGEMENT of Qi (Force), and allowing it to play an important and influential role.

"GOOD FENG SHUI® Converge Water TechniqueTM" is an advanced-level skill in Feng Shui implementation. However, since it requires very in-depth calculations, based on Lifepath analysis and the combination of internal and external landscape measurements, we do not recommend any DIY method here. During the Converge Water Technique TM Feng Shui implementation, the Feng Shui master must be wise enough to ensure that all the ¡°Water Dragons¡° will not be affected negatively by other elements. Otherwise the adverse effects could be difficult to be remedied.


The South sector was a very auspicious location in 2007 Feng Shui. However, in 2008, the most inauspicious 5-Yellow Star, 3-Killing and Sui-Puo(ÀÆÆ) occupy the South sector. That turns South sector into the worst place in 2008!

5-Yellow is the most inauspicious star, it contributes towards losses, sickness, miscarriages, accidents, fights and various disasters. Since 5-Yellow represents a strong Earth element, the problems occurring will mainly be related to ¡°earth¡± such as earthquakes, accidents, deaths, big floods on earth, landslides, amongst other things. Southern countries in Asia such Malaysia, Singapore, Australia may experience ongoing problems in 2008.

Further to that, in 2008, the southern part of Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, South Africa, South America, and even Singapore may experience unstable events such as riots, disasters, earthquakes, flood, landslide, fires, even challenges in finance and economy.

However, the 5-Yellow star also represents great effort and flexibility in wealth accumulation. Therefore, whoever is able to manipulate and transform the negative force to power, would stand to benefit from tremendous wealth luck. Good Feng Shui is one of the alternatives in providing a boost towards achieving that purpose.

The 2-Black Star that causes lots of sickness reaches the Northwest sector in 2008. Especially in the Summer and Autumn seasons, the Northwest areas such as Burma, Pakistan may experience outbreak of contagious diseases. At home, we should avoid placing too much of red- and brown-coloured items in the Northwest sector.

The other inauspicious star, the 3-Green star, occupies the West sector in 2008. The 3-Green Star represents losses, aggressiveness, jealousy, legal issues, quarrels and arguments. We may observe women being more outspoken and influential in 2008. However, the year may generally be unfavourable to young girls. At home, we can place some red colour items in the West sector of the house reduce the negative impacts.

Besides 3-Green star, the Yearly Emperor Star (Jupiter or Tai-Sui) occupies the North sector, which is the home of the Rat. In Feng Shui belief, the Yearly Emperor should never be confronted or disturbed. Therefore, North sector becomes one of the most "sensitive" sectors in the year. It would NOT be wise to carry out any renovation work in this area of your house, factory or office.

Besides that, the opposite sector, i.e. South sector is also another sensitive sector because it confronts the Yearly Emperor. Conventional Feng Shui theory believes that one should not face the Yearly Emperor directly but can be sitting in front of the Emperor and facing the same direction. Therefore, when you attend important meetings, you would be well advised to try to arrange yourself facing South, so that you have the Yearly Emperor behind you and thus, supporting you.

Northeast is the love and romance sector in 2008. For those who wish to enhance their love relationships, they could sleep in bedroom that is located at the Northeast sector. Besides that, placing colourful fresh flowers or hanging romantic pictures in the Northeast sector of the house or bedroom will further increase the chance to meet with Mr. Right or Ms Right. However, for marriage couple, we recommend the placement of wedding or family photos in this sector. This is to avoid unnecessary third party affairs.

We fervently hope that you enjoyed reading this article, and that everyone will achieve a more prosperous year and fruitful results in 2008.And we sincerely wish that all readers to enjoy not just Feng Shui, but GOOD FENG SHUI in 2008!

About the author:
+ Chief researcher and consultant of
+ GOOD FENG SHUI Geomantic Research
Graduated from National University of Malaysia with a Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Computer Science
+ He converged various schools of thought and formularized Good Feng Shui® Converge WATER TECHNIQUETM. It is now one of the most sought-after Feng Shui methodology worldwide.
+ Panel consultant, advisor and strategic business alliance to many housing developers, banks & corporations both in locally and overseas, e.g. Sinorich WenZhou Real Estate Ltd. (China), Eu Yan Sang, Tempo Properties, Nirvana Memorial Park, AmBank Group, etc.
+ Winner of international awards in Taiwan:
 International TOP-10 Quality Enterprise Award
 International TOP-10 Quality Professional, Talent, Elite Award
+ For more updates, please visit:

Written & Copyright © by Kenny Hoo of GOOD FENG SHUI® Geomantic Research
Kenny Hoo can be contacted at +6017-888-9928, email:

Author's Bio: 

+ Chief researcher and consultant of
+ GOOD FENG SHUI Geomantic Research
Graduated from National University of Malaysia with a Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Computer Science
+ He converged various schools of thought and formularized Good Feng Shui® Converge WATER TECHNIQUETM. It is now one of the most sought-after Feng Shui methodology worldwide.
+ Panel consultant, advisor and strategic business alliance to many housing developers, banks & corporations both in locally and overseas, e.g. Sinorich WenZhou Real Estate Ltd. (China), Eu Yan Sang, Tempo Properties, Nirvana Memorial Park, AmBank Group, etc.
+ Winner of international awards in Taiwan:
 International TOP-10 Quality Enterprise Award
 International TOP-10 Quality Professional, Talent, Elite Award
+ For more updates, please visit:

Written & Copyright © by Kenny Hoo of GOOD FENG SHUI® Geomantic Research
Kenny Hoo can be contacted at +6017-888-9928, email: