Have you ever wondered why you keep meeting the “wrong” type of person? How do you attract the right person for you? Below are some simple steps to help you attract the perfect partner.

1.Take Excellent Care of YourselfNot only does extreme self-care help you look and feel great but it keeps you from entering a relationship on the basis of unmet needs. When you take wonderful care of yourself you will attract those who also take great care of themselves.

2.Know What You WantTake time to think about what you want in a relationship. What qualities are you looking for? Be brutally honest and don't leave something off the list because you think you are being too picky! When you have a final list read it out loud to yourself on a daily basis until it becomes part of you. Amazing how you attract what you focus on!

3.Be What You WantOh boy, this is the tough part! Look at the list of qualities you want in a partner and ask if you have these qualities. If you are looking for someone who is financially secure, are you in financially good shape? We attract people with many of our same qualities.

4.Live the Life You Want
Don't wait to be in a relationship before you live the life you desire! Stop making excuses about why you can't live your ideal life now. Take the vacation you've longed for! Buy the house of your dreams now! Nothing is more attractive than a happy, fulfilled person!

Author's Bio: 

Leanna Fredrich is a Relationship Coach for MetaSingles.com, the new online dating community for singles committed to self growth. MetaSingles Relationship Coaches offer free trial coaching sessions. To learn more about Leanna Fredrich and see if you would like to schedule a free coaching session, visit: http://metasingles.com/pages.cfm?ID=114