There is a wave of fear gripping the planet. Terrorists, earthquakes, tsunamis, bird flu pandemic, and your very own nasty neighbor. This “culture” of fear leads us to our own personal destruction.
In the media and out on the Internet, one man’s medicine is another man’s poison. We hear dietary information touting a particular food or natural substance. Not two minutes later do we see the exact opposite advice. Everyone’s body is different. One drop of something we are allergic to can kill us. If we are in total balance we can even eat poison and not be affected. Rasputin, noted to be a very spiritual person, was given poison cakes, ate them and survived. His accusers had to shoot him to do the final evil deed.
We are faced daily with real and obscure fates. From meteorites going to smash into our Earth, and the threat of terrorism – masked men and women killing for killing’s sake.
Every one of us has a mission to fulfill. The drama of our lives all fit together. Everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be. We are all fulfilling God’s divine plan. Our lives touch so many people and hand them the lessons they need to know.
FEAR has been described as “False Evidence Appearing Real.” All fear starts in our own minds. Maybe fear starts with worry then gets exaggerated to the utmost horror. When all the time fear started with just one thought.
Why are we afraid? Why do we go about our lives in fear? If we would see the actual statistics we could laugh in the face of it. What are the chances we will run into a terrorist? Apparently “eating p-nut butter has killed more people than terrorists.”
I am not saying that these threats are not real or possible. But why spend a life imaginingthe worst?
We live on this beautiful planet. In Mother Nature there is balance. Who said that this balance does not carry over to the human kingdom? As we “go with the flow” great opportunities evolve. We are always guided on our path. We all have challenges -- challenges equal opportunity. This is how we grow. With prayer and asking of guidance divine intervention is always possible.
Everything is truly in divine order. The hairs on your head are counted and so is each breath. When it’s your time, you will get “there,” and not a moment sooner. If that part of our lives is inevitable, why not live life to the fullest each day? Face those fears for the illusions they are. You are protected with the divine light as long as you are able to grow.
When it is your time, you will be ushered into the next world from whence you came. Your loved ones and angels will greet you with love.
Learn to make harmony out of chaos and embrace this life for the lessons we share.
copyright 2008 Merry C. Battles
Merry C. Battles has worked in the healing arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu (an ancient form of Japanese Acupressure), CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology. Merry is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6" Merry's book is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the twelve holy days. Her book can be used all year as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac.
Merry has been a student of the ancient mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.Look into my Expert Page "Walking the Spiritual Path Expert" in Spirituality