Which should you get? Pants or skirts

Both are versatile wardrobe staples and can really stretch your existing wardrobe. A new skirt or a new pair of pants, when paired with your existing tops give you a whole new wardrobe of outfits.

Skirts are considered more feminine. Imagine a skirt billowing in the wind. Guys find that very distracting, to say the least. Skirts are the symbol of femininity, so if you want to look womanly, wear a skirt.

Are pants butch then?

Not necessarily. It depends on how you wear them and what you wear them with.

Pair your pants with a silk top or a sequin blouse and you are ready for a date. If your pants show off your every curve, that would be even sexier than a skirt. Think of Olivia Newton John at the end of Grease.

As for practicality, pants beat skirts hands down when it comes to ease of movement. Try running in a long, voluminous skirt. You'd appreciate how easy it is to move around in a pair of pants. Then when the weather gets really cold, pants are better at keeping your legs warm. Especially a pair of wool pants.

Another plus is that you can wear long johns under your pants, which you probably wouldn't be able to hide under a skirt.

In summer, skirts are airy and allow air to flow around your legs more freely. Skirts are cooler in summer. Then again, you could wear shorts.

Skirts or pants?Depends on your mood, the weather and the dress code of wherever you are going.

Might as well get them both. Check out this Pants price comparison and Skirts price comparison and get the best deals to stretch your wardrobe at http://www.cheapestsale.com/fashion

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The author wrote the articles about Pants and Skirts and get the best deals to stretch your wardrobe at http://www.cheapestsale.com/fashion