Are you on the path to financial success with your own start-up business? If you are starting your own business at home, the first thing you need to do is take a good look at your own values and beliefs. Are you sabotaging your efforts, thinking the wrong thoughts, and holding yourself back from financial success with your own work-from-home business? Take a closer look. You might be surprised.

What is self-limiting behavior and more importantly, how does it affect you as a mom growing a new business at home? Self-limiting behavior , simply put, is an action or thought or behavior that will limit you from achieving your full capacity. Any negative thought or action – however small – can impact your future success in business. That’s why it’s imperative that you destroy any self-limiting behaviors that you might be dealing with, consciously or unconsciously.

So how do you go about doing this? The first step is to assess your behavior. Look at any traits that may be hindering your business growth. These could be procrastination, missing appointments or deadlines, half hearted marketing attempts, not billing in a timely fashion, disorganization – the list could go on and on.

Once you’ve identified trouble spots in your business, you need to see where the problem really lies. Is it a lack of information on your part or something deeper? For instance, you may be putting off setting up a blog because you don’t yet have the knowledge and haven’t found time to learn the process. Or you may be doing it because, deep down, you’re scared of putting yourself out there and making your business “real”.

If you can honestly assess and address these types of issues, your business will have a much better chance of not just surviving, but thriving, under your confident leadership.Moms who want to stay home and grow their own business need to have a lot of determination and strength, but they also need to do some serious self-analysis.

The main determinant of success is often how you view yourself and your abilities. If you have confidence in yourself, it will show in your business. Likewise, a lack of self confidence will be magnified in your business efforts. Work on yourself first and your business will be more successful as a result.

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April Coggins is an entrepreneur coach for stay at home moms. She teaches moms how to turn their passion into profits in record time.