We are spiritual beings having a human experience! As time wears on this statement continues to ring true in such wonderful and magical ways.
Change is ever constant. I always knew this intellectually, but once you truly embrace this on all levels it's (as Bashar states) the only constant in life that is actually soothing to the soul. There are times in life that we can grow stagnant and feel as if we are not moving. Even in this moment all is in divine and perfect order. Feeling this stagnation assists you in embracing the polar opposite to movement and change! This is also a wonderful higher dimensional feeling of Feng Shui 'g the body and spirit. Everything is chi aka energy. Feng Shui is about your inner reality harmonizing and showing in your outer reality. More on Feng Shui in last months Newsletter.
Striving for inspiration and passion is deep within our soul. Always go out there and put YOUR stamp on life. What brings you passion and happiness is what you are meant to do in order to spread your energy to others and grow within. Your soul longs to do something that inspires you. Only you can say for sure what that is. And only you can stay in the moment of positive energy. It's your choice to positively affect your life in every moment and your choice to negatively affect your life. In every moment you are making a choice. Choose living, striving, positive change, inspired action and happiness ! Get excited about change! Follow your excitement!
For a long time I felt that I was where I desired to be, and that was/is true in every moment. I started to grow a bit stagnant. I have a wonderful website I enjoyed designing to my liking in order to spread the messages I receive. I practice Reiki and give a variety of metaphysical classes. I have a family life that is always fun and busy, a day job I enjoy as another creative outlet, as well as creating websites part-time. However, it seemed that things were "complete". A phase was finalized. I felt that maybe what I was thinking was when I had the time to have an outside office I could practice more of the metaphysical things I enjoy and use this as my service to others. I didn't think I would be adding anything more to my background other than just continuing developing. I didn't see the office as happening in the near future. So I started to just go with the flow and let this side of me sit for a while. With my puny viewpoint I didn't see or even think change was an option.
Then in pondering last months newsletter on Feng Shui and while writing it, I realized that there was no way this would ever feel complete unless I received in-depth training. Not only did I realize this, but I realized I was drawn to Feng Shui in a major way. I had been for years without realizing it. I would take bits and piece here and there. But then it was like a light bulb hit me: THIS was the next item on my list! THIS was the newest inspired action I must take in order to continue evolving the multidimensional being that is Me. I realized I wanted to continue servicing myself and others with this new learning . With this realization came another one. I realized that (again) change is constant. That I will always be learning something "new" that will better define who I am (as I intend myself to be). And that there is only stagnation if I feel it is there. Sometimes we ALL desire rest and there is wonderful calm to be enjoyed. But when I realize stagnation then I want to see what I am missing and move into something new. Change. What we must remember is that we must live in our truth! As long as you are following your truth, you feel good. You feel fulfilled and elated. Whatever that truth is, follow it!
We use our own intentions (thoughts & feelings) to make things happen. Remaining open to any and all possibilities is a key factor. Create positive energy to receive positive experiences. Feel true passion and excitement. No matter what your age or situation, life can be exciting and magical! If you intend that your life is over because you hit a certain "age" or because society said: "okay you're done". UNcondition those limiting beliefs. Happiness and fulfillment can occur at ANY age. Change can happen no matter where you are if you intend it to be so! You only need to truly feel a desired goal for a few moments a day to manifest! So feel it with all of your being without a counteractive thought. Feel the magic that you can create in every moment. You can! You are doing it anyway, so do it consciously! Wake up every day expecting a positively magical day! Everything good happens to you now!
Since watching Louise L. Hay's movie "You Can Heal Your Life" I keep repeating the first affirmation card that was picked up in the movie: "I am willing to change". I repeat this daily, as a hint to all the levels of me that I love change and embrace moving forward. I can't wait to see what's next in my life, but for now I am embracing my new teachings in Feng Shui and am officially going to school in February! Life is good NOW, in every moment.
Embrace that Multidimensional being that is YOU! Have an AWESOME year this 2008!!
Maggie is trained in modalities of the Healing Arts: Usui & Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher. As well as a Metaphysical Teacher, Charon Facilitator, Student of Feng Shui, Chi Gong. My passion resides in offering a variety of metaphysical classes locally and online, giving Energy Healing treatments all while helping the individual find & follow their truest passion. Giving you the tools that help *you* get and stay inspired.