An addiction to alcohol is a lasting same ailment that can damage a person's career and their family . It can also be fatal to their health if left untreated.

Substantial alcoholic drinks in-take on a regular basis causes chemical changes to a individual's brain. For example, it alters the composition of the body's gamma-aminobutyric acids, which function to inhibit impulsiveness, and glutamate, which fuels the nervous system. Unnecessary drinking also tends to drain these chemicals, which can depress the nervous system and hurt important areas of the brain.

Loss of control over the tongue and posture is symptomatic of an liquor-poisened bring, as is weariness, memory loss, weakness of the eye muscles, and paralysis. In critical cases, long-term substantial drinking can even send a person into a coma from which they may never awake.

In addition to the potentially lethal effects of alcohol poisening to the brain, other organs, such as the liver, can also be acutely effected. Unnecessary drinking causes alcoholic substances hepatitis, a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the liver. Its warning signs include appetite loss, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, tenderness, jaundice, and dizziness. If the hefty drinking goes on, the hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis, which is characterized by progressive scarring and obliteration of the liver tissues.

Alcohol-addicted persons can also suffer serious gastrointestinal problems, such as inflammation of the stomach, that leads to a illness called 'gastritis'. A gastritis sufferer is unable to absorb nutrients through their stomach, such as vitamin B, folic acid and thiamin.

When alcoholic substances is consumed in heavy quantities, it also damages the pancreas and interferes with the organ creation of hormones that regulate metabolism of the body by creating enzymes for digestion. It can also led to a assortment of cardiovascular problems, such as high blood pressure, and can even damage the heart muscle - a condition called 'cardiomyopathy'. Cardiomyopathy significantly builds up the possibilities of heart attack.

Diabetes is another common disease amongst alcohol-addicted persons. High liquor intake prevents the liver from releasing glucose, which intensifies the risk of hypoglycemia (characterized by low blood sugar). This ailment is particularly dangerous for someone who is already suffering from diabetes and is taking insulin to reduce their blood-sugar level. Further, prolonged alcohol abuse tends to damage the reproductive system, leading to erectile dysfunction in men and menstrual problems in women.

Alcoholic drinks abuse during pregnancy is particularly grave, as it can give rise to fetal alcoholic drinks syndrome, where the child is born with defects, such as a small head, short eyelids, heart defects, and other abnormalities. And finally, research also displays that continued alcoholic drinks abuse places one at higher risk of cancer and diseases of larynx, esophagus, colon, and liver.

In short, the human body was evidently not designed to handle large amounts of alcohol for any length of time. Heavy drinking may seem like a lot of fun at a distance, and it always seems to interest young people as a means of indicating how grown up they are. Ironically though, irresponsible drinking is the very behavior that has the potential to stop young individuals reaching adulthood altogether.

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