This January I was co-facilitating an EFT teleclass on New Years Resolutions and releasing the blocks to attaining goals. During the live teleclass my fellow coach, Laura Whitelaw, began working with one of the listeners, who I will refer to as Peace Seeker, on an issue that was currently disrupting any peace in her life. We were all tapping along as EFTers always do when listening to someone else go through a clearing, not just to support that person, but to ‘Borrow Benefits’ as well.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a meridian based therapy that involves tapping on a sequence of meridian points while holding a negative thought or emotion in your mind in order to release it. The reason this works, often when nothing else will, is that a negative thought, belief or emotion is nothing more than a disruption in the body’s energy field, according to EFT creator Gary Craig. EFT has been successful in relieving stress, anxiety , limiting beliefs, fears, phobias, addictions, depression , physical pain, emotional trauma, and a list of many other life limiting afflictions and if that weren’t enough one of the miraculous side benefits of tapping along for the benefit of someone else, is the release of your own completely unrelated issue by Borrowing Benefits!

So, getting back to our teleclass, there I am sporadically tapping along with ‘Peace Seeker’ and the rest of the callers, through a beautifully creative EFT clearing guided by Laura and thinking briefly about the lack of peace in my own life at times, but mostly thinking about some creative ideas I had in mind for I was to coach the next participant on the call. Our ‘ Peace Seeker’ completely released all of her stress and feelings of anger and made some self discoveries as well and the bunch of us were all feeling really good and relaxed by the end of the call.

It wasn’t till the next day though that I realized a sense of peace in my own life that wasn’t there before. I have three children, all boys, ages 9, 12 and 15, so as you can imagine dealing with sibling fights, hormones and other stuff life can be far from peaceful. At that time I also had the responsibility of a dying elderly mother in the hospital, so life was quite stressful, yet ever since that teleclass things have been noticeably different.

My mother has since moved on to her spiritual home and my boys are still ‘boys’, but I have an inner peace now that allows me to react less to my environment and take things more in stride. As a coach I use techniques like EFT, ZPoint, and a handful of other energy methods on myself as much with clients, if not more, so I have noticed gradual, incredible shifts in myself and my life during the last several years, but I still continue to be amazed and blessed by the power of these simple techniques and especially the power of Borrowing Benefits!

To find out how you can ‘Borrow Benefits’ with EFT and other powerful energy techniques visit

Author's Bio: to find out how you can be empowered to:

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