Do any of these sound familiar?

1. Your favourite jeans does not fit anymore. You can't even zip it up.

2. Busy body relatives think you are pregnant. But you are not.

3. Your doctor tsk tsks at your weight.

4. The dresses you love would look amazing on you only if you lose ten pounds.

The list goes on.

So you want to lose weight but dieting sounds expensive.

Diet bars, diet shakes and meal replacement soups and plans don't come cheap. Then there are the vitamin supplements to ensure you stay healthy even as you drop the pounds.

Many people have lost weight on the atkins diet or diets high in protein but low in fat, but protein rich food like meat and fish are very expensive compared to carbs like potatos, rice and bread. If you replace carbs with protein, or at least eat enough protein to fill your stomach, you would end up spending far more than if you were to live on your usual fare.

One quick way to lose weight is to use diet pills. These pills help you lose weight by boosting your metabolic rate, making you feel full or buy blocking your body's absorption of carbohydrates or fat. Unfortunately, these miracle pills, herbal or otherwise are expensive.

So how can you lose weight if you are broke?

Just think out of the box.

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume, or consume fewer calories than you burn.

If you eat less of whatever you are eating now, you will lose weight.

No need for fancy aids, though they may speed up the process.

What you do need is plenty of discipline.

1. Drink plenty of water before your meals to fill your stomach before you even eat.
2. Stop eating when you are 80% full.3. Don't upsize your meals no matter how much the fast food people might tempt you. Save those few cents and lower your calorie intake.
4. Drink water instead of cola or soda. You will save money as well as calories.

Here are more weight loss tips and diet tips that should come in handy.

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