The signs and symptoms of depression often appear before many individuals seek help from a medical doctor.

The signs and symptoms that often help a doctor identify depression may include:

An ongoing feeling of sadness, irritability, or tension,

A decreased interest or pleasure in job, family , activities or hobbies,

A loss of energy, tired feeling even during periods of low activity,

A change in eating habits, often accompanied with significant weight loss or weight gain,

A change in sleeping patterns that may include an unusual amount of sleep (always feeling tired) to insomnia (not being able to sleep),

Restlessness, irritability or a feeling hopelessness, guilt or anger,

Lacking the ability to concentrate or make decisions,

Thoughts of suicide or death

If you are experiencing any or several of these signs or symptoms, it’s important to see your medical doctor to see if you are suffering from depression .
If you are in an immediate serious crisis, experiencing suicidal thoughts, have a desire to hurt yourself or someone else, please contact your doctor or go to your local hospital or emergency room now.

Author's Bio: 

Scott Wardell is the SelfGrowth Official Guide to Child Development. He’s the creator and author of . Scott has twenty-eight years in education and counseling experience. Visit to review hundreds of free parenting articles and receive online counseling services.

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Scott Wardell, the Official Guide To Child Development