Rejuvenation refers to procedures used for reversing the aging process and regaining youthfulness. When people get older their health, strength, intelligence and attractiveness diminishes. History of all societies is full of people have searched for ways to regain the charm of youth. The most famous is Alexander the Great who searched in the east for such an elixir. However it is ironical that Alexander died very young. In the future rejuvenation may become reality through research on stem cells, biochemical repair or with nanotechnology.

History of Rejuvenation

Many stories and myths tell us of the quest for rejuvenation. In olden days it was believed that magic or supernatural powers could bring back youth. In the16th century many expeditions were undertaken around the Caribbean islands and into Florida to find the “Fountain of Youth” but the fountain was never discovered. There were some prevalent beliefs that certain potions or chemicals may restore youth.

The scientific method for rejuvenation started when quest for rejuvenation reached its height with alchemy. All over Europe the alchemists were looking for mythical substances (Philosopher´s stone) which could turn anything into gold and also restore youth. Although the goal was not achieved, alchemy laid the foundation for scientific methods and also to the medical advances of today.

Modern Developments on Rejuvenation

As per modern science, there are no natural laws to prevent successful rejuvenation. Aging is the cumulative effect of damage to cells, tissues and organs. If damage can be repaired the result will be rejuvenation.

Many experiments have been done for rejuvenation but they have obtained the increase in life span. There are eight types of hormones which are the causes for aging factors:

-Human growth hormone
-Sexual hormone e.g., testosterone or estrogen hormone
-Erithropoietin (EPO)
-Thyroid hormones

These hormones are important in cell and tissue repair. With age these hormones reduce in number and effectiveness. However in theory the hormones can be replaced thus the body should not age. Research is still going on to study the effect of these hormones.

Facial rejuvenation is a set of cosmetic procedures used to increase or restore the appearance of a younger age to the individual´s face by cosmetic surgery. The surgical procedures tries to restore facial geometry and appearance of skin using techniques/procedures like brow lift, elimination of eye bags, eyelids lift, facial sagging and chin lift and restoration of facial hairline.

The present option available for rejuvenation involves cosmetic changes to the individual to create the appearance of youth. Cosmetic surgery changes the individual´s appearance thus elevating his/her happiness level and may have positive side effects. Cosmetic surgery of body involves removal of wrinkles on face, removal of extra fat (liposuction) and reshaping or augmentation of various body parts.

Author's Bio: 

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is Rejuvenation Further information can be found at Health News.



This definition is part of a series that covers the topic of Anti-Aging . The Official Guide to Anti-Aging is Dr. Michael Brickey . America’s preeminent Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Brickey helps people think, feel, look, and be more youthful by learning their Anti-Aging ABCs™ – the Attitudes, Beliefs, and Coping Skills for living longer, healthier, and happier. He is an ABPP Board Certified Psychologist, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and is an NLP Master Practitioner. His life coaching was featured in six issues of Let’s Live magazine. His consulting helps businesses effect more youthful, healthier, happier employees. His seminars and keynotes get people to adopt ABCs and lock in the beliefs for lifelong benefits.

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