Getting more done with less is an art,
It's a quality requiring much heart,
But I must confess
How I turned failure to success
Was to work hard at working smart.

I've heard two schools of thought when it comes to achieving maximum success in a minimum of time. The first school says to work hard, long hours. You know, nose to the grindstone and burning the midnight oil. I've heard many people say that is the only sure way to a achieve lasting success.

The other school of thought says to work smart - not hard. The work smart philosophy says "less is better." Delegate, use other people's time, money, and hands as much as you can. They say this is the quickest way to success.

I must admit they both have their benefits and their limits. Through experience I've discovered the best way to achieve maximum success in a minimum of time is to work hard at working smart!

Yes, working hard at working smart will give you the best of both worlds - without the limits each one has by itself.Here are 7 quick and easy ways to help you work hard at working smart everyday. Brace yourself for some exciting changes, opportunities and discoveries as you apply them.

1. Work hard at being more adaptable to changes. Remember every change that comes your way gives you an opportunity to move ahead of those that won't or can't adapt to sudden change.

2. Work hard at looking for shortcuts in everything you do.Always be alert to easier, more efficient ways of doing your routine task. Can you cut out, reduce, speed-up or combine steps - without sacrificing effectiveness?

3. Work hard at planning ahead as much as possible. The best chess players always think one move ahead. You should always try to do the same. Prepare yourself mentally before you act physically. This alone will help you avoid wasting time and making costly mistakes.

4. Work hard at finding working hard at working smart role models. Always be on the look-out for people who work hard at working smart. Here's a hint; they'll usually be the people who get more done in less time and with fewer resources than others.

5. Work hard at learning quickly from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. You're smart if you can learn from your mistakes, you're intelligent if you can learn from others mistakes - but you're wise if you can do both.

6. Work hard at finding ways to wisely multitask. What's most important about multitasking (doing 2 or more things at once)? Is knowing when to multitask and when not to. Routine task should be multitasked. Detailed, risky, and dangerous projects should not be.

7. Work hard at keeping current on the latest technology related to your task. Allow technology to help you work harder at working smarter. Whatever your task, a gadget, software program or tool exist that can help you do it more efficiently.It is my hope that these 7 tips will inspire you to think of more ways you can work hard at working smart. The benefits and satisfaction will be well worth your time and effort. - Peace .

Source: author Roy Primm

Author's Bio: 

Roy Primm has written hundreds of articles showing others how find small income niches. Join his latest discovery at Niche Income Sources .


This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Success Principles . The Official Guide to Success Principles is Keith Matthew . Keith Matthew is one of the world's foremost experts on success principles and how to easily incorporate them into your daily life. He has been teaching his powerful 'Limitless Wealth and Success' techniques for the past 18 years and people in over 21 different countries around the world have had life-changing experiences through his talks, products and the many articles Keith has written. He's the creator of popular products such as 'The Limitless Wealth and Success System', '7 Keys To Self Mastery', and 'Fix Your Focus.'

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