Depression is one of those things that nobody really understands. Every person being unique in how they experience depression also varies from individual to individual. Basically most people who have chronic depression feel paranoid and sad. They often feel that there is something wrong with them because they cannot change how their depression plays out.
Depression can become so severe that it actually seems to pull people into an abyss and keep them there against their will. This at times can go on for days, weeks, months and sometimes even years.
Most depressives don't believe in taking any kind of prescription medication. They believe that what they are experiencing is something that they themselves should psychologically be able to correct. When a person is manic or BI-polar then they will most likely feel they are battling themselves and this inner feeling of depression at all times. This is not only stressful to the psyche but also to the body.
Since depression cannot be categorized, it takes the individuals awareness and desire to help themselves to cope with it. Coping requires tools and skills that must be used and practiced as often as possible.
Two of the most powerful tools for coping with depression are to make use of affirmations and the power of positive thinking . These are tools that allow you to begin reprogramming the mind and how you think about yourself and life.
Next comes forgiveness . This tool is very powerful because it allows to begin to feel differently about yourself, others and life. If we can't forgive, then we can never move on. We must first forgive ourselves for being human and not knowing everything. Then we must forgive others for the same things.
Some health practitioners believe that depression is about toxicity in the body. Their solution to the problem is to cleanse the toxins form the major organs and add a new diet and exercise . I personally think that these are exceptional helpers when deciding to beat the blahs.
All of these things require time and patience as well as a true desire to beat the depression. There are currently so many good prescriptions that allow you just to feel you have enough energy to do the battle and win that I think each super-depressed person should consider the option.
Depression is one of those things that do not just go away because we want it to. It is not a curse or demon that possesses us. For those of us that have it, we feel we were probably born with it.
I have found profound shifts in depression when I meditate and also reprogram my own mind and being. Continually focusing on what is right, what is good and what I deserve has assisted me finding that I can control my own feelings and thoughts to a much greater degree than I ever suspected. Once again it is the continual effort that makes it work.
Depression does not have to stop a person for producing or achieving success in life. Probably some of the greatest minds of times past were manic.
As I'm sure you've heard before, " There is a thin line between insanity and Genius". What's interesting about depressives is that once they find they can still have power in their life they also discover an amazing amount of determination to follow through.
People with chronic depression make up two portions of their own society; those who depend on others for their very sustenance and those who make great parents, employees or employers and also good friends. Once you realize the depression does not have stop you from being a productive human nor define you, you are well on your way to positive growth.
Depression is something everyone in life experiences one time or another. It is sort of a necessary ill that we can't really get or do away with.
Like any other handicap that we are forced to deal with in life, depression can actually make us better at what we do. It can actually be a workhorse that makes us focus on our priorities rather than just feeling depressed all the time. Depressives actually study a great deal about themselves and their depression.
I believe those greatest minds, scientists and current producers in the world are all obsessive-compulsive beings. This need they have to produce and perfect is definitely a compulsive act in and of itself. The need to win and be the best at something is also a compulsive act; just like doing something over and over again until you get it right is an act of obsession.
If it is okay to act on our obsessive-compulsive behavior in order to be productive then we can use that in our favor and experience less depression. Continually bettering ourselves is a good thing, right?
Changing the behaviors that we need to help us free ourselves of depression can take on odd forms sometimes. How we see our behavior is how we relate to its goodness or badness in our life.
If we understand that depression makes us neither a good or a bad person we can begin to just be a person, thereby allowing ourselves to challenge ourselves to excel in all areas of life. We can understand that depression is no different than an external handicap, except that others don't see it and actually never even know it is there unless we tell them.
Part of the depression stigma is that others will know and judge us, maybe even fire us from a job or leave us as a mate. This makes it even harder to accept this handicap ourselves because we know others will see it in a different light, this causes us to become more depressed because we feel the need to hide.
No one in this life is perfect and although some want you to believe in normalcy, I do not think such a thing really exists. What most call normal I call conformity.
I have realized that everyone is insane, I just happen to like my insanity better than anyone else's. At least in mine there is joy, hope and wisdom that everything will ultimately work out all right.

Author's Bio: 

Athene Raefiel is an Intuitive Life Coach and Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist.
She writes New Age articles for a variety of publications and has also written a self-help book called "Getting to the Heart".
Visit her at her website: