Since I have setup my website using content management system (CMS) the ads were generally relevant to the title of my site than to the content. It took me a while to realize this and started surfing my own site and checking the ads - article


The reason for this is that CMS divides thing and a template s build to load the contents dynamically. There is no way the AdSense ad top of the content to know the subject of the content and it is not mentioned anywhere!

As my site is about ‘Make Money Online’ I had to find out the possibilities to point the AdSense script to know the content. I thought about many possibilities, including implementing the AdSense code directly to the content. Even though this is possible, it will over haul the concept of the CMS. For me, it is like going back in time where I was creating page by page with the same header and footer. Remember the trouble in getting all of them linked properly? I do, so that option died out faster than it came up.

There I was on the search again! This time I directed the search towards getting or creating a component for the CMS. So that it is automatically places AdSense code within the content as predefined while coding the component.

At this point I came to 2 best options! One was the Mambot AdSense manager 2.5 and the other was mod AdSense 3.0. Both didn’t solve my problem of ad relevancy. After trying out and doing many hacks to the PHP code, I was back to square one.

After searching for many hours, to my surprise I came to the Google’s page where they have implemented this feature back in sep 2005 or so and there was a guide how to implement the section or sections of your site for AdSense relevancy.

Wow! That simple it is and not well known out there. At least I assume that it is not well known because my search didn’t point to this immediately.

Here is the link to that page:

I have implemented this feature and waiting the Google AdSense bot to crawl my site. The crawling may take up to 2 weeks, as per Google site.

I will report the success and failure rates of this feature here, once I have enough data.

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