Bill Cottringer

A big part of being happy and successful, involves your approach to work. These simple requirements are a prescription for the right approach to work in being a good employee If you practice these simple suggestions you are likely to get recognized and rewarded and feel good about the work you do.


No job can run efficiently without all employees being present and showing up on time. Absences and lateness are very disruptive and put an undue burden on other employees. Poor attendance always puts a company's business at risk. There is nothing more admirable than an employee having a perfect attendance record, and that gold standard is bound to get the employee noticed in a positive way.


No matter what job you are doing, there is no reason not to be neat in appearance. Your appearance reflects on both you and your employer. A good appearance speaks well of you and your employee, while an unkempt appearance speaks poorly. A good appearance is a good advertisement for the company, and can mean more business and more opportunities for all employees. Another good reason for being neat and clean is that you often feel the way you look. Look good, feel good and do good!


All business is founded on positive attitudes by employees. Businesses can't succeed in giving customers quality service without positive attitudes. There is no room for negativity. Negativity will interfere with other employees' productivity, make for an unhappy workplace and keep the company from meeting its business goals. Having a positive attitude makes work more enjoyable and passes the time quicker. Being positive is being upbeat, optimistic and enthusiastic and showing a willingness to go the extra mile.


Employers only ask that you give the job your very best effort. This means doing the quality and quantity of work that is expected in a conscientious, diligent manner. There is no reading between the lines here. Just do your best and most employers are going to be happy with you. Make sure you know what is expected and that you can and will do that. Every employee has it in him or herself to give the best effort. Besides, you really can't feel good about yourself is you are goofing off, doing the bare minimum or performing poorly.


Supervisors are in the position they are because of their experience and abilities. The least you can do is to approach them with courtesy and respect. If they tell you to do something, it is for legitimate reasons. Do it without giving any lip. If a supervisor does something inappropriate or wrong, you don't need to be rude, abusive or insubordinate. There is always a management staff who will listen to you. Getting along with your supervisor is a sure way to win his or her respect and attention.


Policies, work rules and safety guidelines are all developed with your welfare in mind. These rules aren't silly, they are there to help you help the company stay legal, remain safe and be prosperous. Always know what the rules are and follow them. It can't get any simpler than that. Rule-breakers cause employers heartburn and so that is not the way to get on the right side of your employer. You can't go wrong by following the rules.


All businesses have to be honest and the only way they can do that is if all employees are honest. Do not do anything that will even be misperceived as being dishonest. Tell the truth, don't go places that are off limits, manage your time to be productive, and don't take things that aren't yours. Also, most gossip and rumors are dishonest, so avoid those things too. When you are honest and tell the truth you never have to remember anything. Being dishonest is very confusing and will always catch up to you sooner or later.


Equipment misuse and abuse can be costly for a company. This extra cost can take away pay raises for employees. Don't misuse equipment and don't operate any equipment you are not trained on and knowledgeable about. Always ask if you are not sure. Take care of all supplies and equipment as if they were your own. Always report faulty or broken equipment promptly.


You never have to feel stupid about asking dumb questions. Actually the only dumb question may be the one you don't ask. Whenever you don't understand something fully, ask questions. The best way to learn how to be an excellent employee and succeed in your job is to ask a lot of questions. You can learn much valuable information from asking good questions. Don't allow employer's to assume you understand the job and what is expected of you, when you don't. If you don't ask questions, you will be the loser.


If you don't agree with something or if you think you have a better way of doing something—speak up! But do so assertively and politely, not loudly or disrespectfully. If you speak up about something in a rational and unemotional way, you will be listened to. When you whine, complain or threaten, you are wasting your words and certainly not being a good employee who will be recognized and rewarded.


One of the easiest and best ways to get ahead in a company is to show the initiative and motivation to learn more about the job. By seeking more training and improving your skills, you are grooming yourself for a promotion. Employees who do this are sure to get recognized and rewarded. Employees who just do their job and nothing more, are telling the employer that is all they want. And most likely, that is all they'll get. There are always managers in your company who have important skills and knowledge. Find them and ask them to be your teacher or mentor.


All jobs require good teamwork. Employees should make an effort to get along with each other by being friendly, cooperative and helpful and working as a team to get the job done better than any individual could do, alone. Many of the company's goals can be met with good teamwork. Without good teamwork, the quality of service a company is trying to deliver is in serious jeopardy. When you get along with your fellow workers and are a good team player, you will enjoy your job much better than if you go off on your own and have trouble with other workers.

The simple rules to success and happiness at work don’t have to be reinvented, just practiced. When you do this, work becomes much more satisfying and the company prospers from your valuable contribution.

Author's Bio: 

William Cottringer, Ph.D. is President of Puget Sound Security in Bellevue, WA, along with being a Sport Psychologist, Business Success Coach, Photographer and Writer living in the scenic mountains of North Bend. He is author of several business and self-development books, including, Re-Braining for 2000 (MJR Publishing), The Prosperity Zone (Authorlink Press), You Can Have Your Cheese & Eat It Too (Executive Excellence), The Bow-Wow Secrets (Wisdom Tree), and Do What Matters Most and “P” Point Management (Atlantic Book Publishers), and Reality Repair Rx (Publish America) This article is an excerpt from an upcoming book Reality Repair. Bill can be reached for comments or questions at (425) 454-5011 or