This eclipse takes place in the sign of Leo. This full moon is joined both South node and the planet Saturn. There's been a lot of activity around Saturn for the last couple of years. This Saturn/South node conjunction has been very important in shaping not only our collective world but our individual commitments and personal drives as well. I've been writing about this important placement for over a year, since November 2006.

Most recently I called quite a lot of attention to the potentially auspicious relationship of Jupiter and Saturn. You can reference this article called "Jupiter and Saturn, Self image, and Career Growth".

In that article I discuss the amazing potential of this year and the blessings that the trinal relationship of Jupiter and Saturn portend for those courageous enough to step up their commitment level to a dream worthy of their efforts - their highest dream and vision for themselves. Why am I discussing this article in reference to this lunar eclipse? Because in many ways this lunar eclipse shows a psychological point of closure around the issues that began in November 2006 - when Saturn and Ketu first entered Leo. Everything in astrology is cycles. An observant astrologer will recognize the cycles as opportunities for growth or peril. Do any of us doubt the important choices before us right now in the world? A changing of the guard is possible, yet the same old nagging fears tempt stagnation.

This past week has seen the old regime in Pakistan lose the popular election, raising the stakes on democracy in that important country - one of our main allies in the "War on Terror". At the same time we've seen the former Serbian province of Kosovo declare independence amidst celebrations on one hand and smoldering resentments on the other. Meanwhile, we see a shocking continuation of random shootings of innocents in schools in our country. With looming recessions, billions of dollars a month being spent on an uncertain war, a fascinating political season has captured everyone's attention as well.

This global stage mirrors our personal one. Our personal strongholds no longer provide the comfort and security we had grown accustomed. It is not possible to just sit back and let things take care of themselves. We must make a decision or else others will decide our fate for us. This is what I have been describing since November 2006. The South node and Saturn will pressure the very heart of governmental power and personal power in the world. By the end of it we will be forced to make a commitment toward a course of action that is either inspiring and uplifting or in defense of a worn-out paradigm that we may no longer be able to embrace, either personally or politically.

This lunar eclipse occurred with the Moon at 8° sidereal Leo. The South node is at 4° Leo, Saturn is retrograde at almost 12° Leo. The deepest eclipse point occurred with the moon exactly between Saturn and the South node. So, what does this mean?

The Moon is our psychological nature, the reflection of the undifferentiated Self (ParamAtman - Sun) onto consciousness (JivAtman - Moon). We cannot perceive our true self directly, we must experience its reflection through the agency of consciousness - our mind and our intuitive, feeling nature - the Moon. In Vedic astrology the moon is of utmost importance because of this. Although the Sun has the activating potential, the moon is our feeling nature and our instinctive emotional intuition . For the most part, we are feeling creatures, not thinking ones. We think a little bit, but not very much. Most of the decisions we make are based on how we feel, not what is the most logical, rational, or even best for us. Stated simply, we do what we feel like doing, almost 100% of the time. These feelings come from the Moon astrologically.

This eclipse of the moon brings the "Saturn/South node in Leo Transit / Cycle" into the fertile ground of consciousness, like none other before it. The moon is the part of us that wants to merge with everything and integrate everything evenly. Saturn is like the practical old man who has been around and seen it all. He's going to give it to you straight whether you want to hear it or not. The South node is like one who has renounced the world and is somewhat fed up with it. Each one of us has a place deep inside ourselves that is not of this Earth and does not care about worldly success, making others happy, or many of the other trinkets of the ego that keep us endlessly fascinated. There's a huge opportunity now to tap into that formless source of core power that only serves truth - the truth of existence. The funny thing is, in this case it doesn't have to do with renouncing the world, it has to do with committing to it - in fact making the deepest commitment possible to your power in the world. This because of Saturn. The planet of our long-term commitments, and the planet of our fears. Wherever we are on the fear / acceptance path we will decide. If we are far along on the that path we will flourish, if not we may flounder.

I can share a personal story about this. After I wrote the article that I referenced above, I decided to teach some free astrology classes. At the time I really did not have a big vision about where I wanted them to go, except that I wanted to start a new series of classes. I also knew it was time to step up my commitment level even though certain personal confidence issues, enemies and competitors and familiar blocks were bringing about some hesitation (My astrology transits are like few i have seen recently). So the next day I announced that I would be teaching a series of free classes. From there a vision began to take shape that has transformed my entire career as an astrologer. At the time I had no idea it would, but it has. To make a long story short, it not only set forth in motion a highly successful group of classes, but also the process of doing this has clarified my commitment to formally establishing an approach to astrology called "Universal Astrology ". Actually I've been practicing Universal Astrology from the beginning, but did not realize it. Anyway, more about that later.

My point is this. As an astrologer I see these potentials and try to let others know about them if I can. But day to day I'm just living my life - just like you. I don't plan my entire life out based on astrology - although I do pick auspicious times to do things. I live as spontaneously as the next person. When I went back and read the things I had written about "making a commitment to our true vision and having the courage to do so, etc." on January 22, 2008, I realize that is what I had just done, even though in the present moment I was just following my inspiration . Amazingly this article coincided with the changing of my Mercury Dasa to my Ketu Dasa based on the calculations i use - TO THE DAY!! - That is 1 day in a lifetime that a 17 year cycle shifts - nailed. I had not even realized it until a few days ago.

There was a great analogy in the movie " The Secret ", where Jack Canfield, the author of the "Chicken Soup for The Soul" books makes the analogy of driving across country with your headlights on in the dark. The analogy goes like this. You don't need to see the entire path for you in order to start on your journey. You can drive all the way across the country in the dark with your headlights only illuminating 20 feet ahead of you at any given time. Yet, if you stay on the road eventually you get to your destination. That is sort of what has recently happened with me. Although I have by no means reached my destination, I'm pretty stunned at the successes of my latest career efforts and happy that 25 loyal, hungry and dedicated astrology students are a part of a growing community that is interested in learning more about astrology and my approach to it.

All of this happened because I inadvertently followed my own astrology advice. Even in the midst of several pretty stupid blunders!! - but we'll leave that for next time.

Author's Bio: 

Sam Geppi has over 20 years of Vedic Study and experience. He is a Hatha Yoga instructor and certified Vedic Astrologer and Teacher through the ACVA (level 2) as well as author of "The Ascendant". Visit His Astrology Forum and Community at - Also Get Free Daily horoscopes at his website